
my Igor Pro (Wavemetrics) library

Primary LanguagePython

Igor Pro (Wavemetrics, Inc.) is a software used by many members of the atmospheric aerosol community (among others). The included programming language grew out of a set of macro routines, and displays its operational heritage.


  • "Waves are global objects" (Igor manual Version 6.1, p. IV-48).
  • Data structure definitions exist only locally within functions.
  • "Operations" produce side effects (create variables that are not returned values).


  • Use data folders to implement namespaces for waves and other data (not for functions).
  • Use data folders or "string list of waves" to implement data structures that persist across functions.
  • Wrap operations in functions to contain side effects.

The ipf file(s) in this project can be included in ~/Documents/WaveMetrics/Igor Pro 6 User Files/ (Mac), or C:/Documents and Settings/username/My Documents/WaveMetrics/Igor Pro 6 User Files/ (Windows) to have these functions available for every Igor program. On a Mac, can set ln -s stlib.ipf "~/Documents/WaveMetrics/Igor Pro 6 User Files/" (included in setup.sh which also handles linking of HDF5 libraries); on Windows this can also be handled through a shortcut. In a procedure window, use #include "stlib" statement to use functions from the library.

Local environments. Local function environments can be implemented using data folders as shown in the following example; we define a function to calculate the two-norm distance of a vector.

function twonormdist(waveref)
    wave waveref // this is just a reference to the wave
    variable value
    newdatafolder/s local
    	make/n=(numpnts(waveref)) wavesq = waveref[p]^2
        value = sqrt(sum(wavesq))
    killdatafolder : 
    return value

•make/o vector = {1,0.5,0.5}
•print twonormdist(vector)

newdatafolder/s local creates a new data folder (can be any name as long as it does not already exist in the current scope/data folder) and immediately sets this context as the new working scope. killdatafolder : kills all waves created in local data folder. Without using such a data folder, any waves created within the function can conflict with an existing wave (in the global scope), and temporary waves will have to be killed explicitly with killwaves/z waveseq,... and so on. I cannot speak to the efficiency of this approach of creating temporary data folders within each function, but computationally expensive operations will hopefully be handled by an XOP (external operating procedure, e.g., a C program) in any case.

Computing on waves with functions. An Igor Pro function serves as both function and subroutine (in Fortran parlance); side effects in functions are not discouraged as in most other languages but used as a necessary tool for computation. To compute the normed vector, a Fortran-esque solution is to define the array outside of the function definition and to pass the reference so that its values are overwritten:

function normalizewave(inpwave,outwave)
    wave inpwave
    wave outwave
    outwave = inpwave[p]/twonormdist(inpwave)

•make/o/n=(numpnts(vector)) newvector = NaN
•print newvector
  newvector[0]= {NaN,NaN,NaN}
•print newvector
  newvector[0]= {0.816497,0.408248,0.408248}

The following solution also works and is more appropriate when the length of output wave is unknown (in this case, it is obvious), though this style adds an element of unpredictability. (Sizes of waves can be changed any time using redimension, but this operation should also be used with much caution).

function normalizewave_(inpwave,outwave)
    wave inpwave
    string outwave // name of new wave as a string variable
    make/n=(numpnts(inpwave)) $outwave
    wave outwaveref = $outwave
    outwaveref = inpwave[p]/twonormdist(inpwave)

•print newvector_
  newvector_[0]= {0.816497,0.408248,0.408248}

It is possible to create waves in the global or any other namespace at any time from within functions; this flexibility is dangerous as it results in "spaghetti code" or something possibly worse.

Also, many operations create unwanted symbols in the global or local scope (data folder). For instance,

•wavestats vector
  V_npnts= 3; V_numNaNs= 0; V_numINFs= 0; V_avg= 0.666667; 
  V_Sum= 2; V_sdev= 0.288675; V_sem= 0.166667; V_rms= 0.707107; 
  V_adev= 0.222222; V_skew= 0.3849; V_kurt= -2.33333; V_minloc= 1; 
  V_maxloc= 0; V_min= 0.5; V_max= 1; V_minRowLoc= 1; 
  V_maxRowLoc= 0; V_startRow= 0; V_endRow= 2; 

All of the symbols preceded by V_ are variables; if created within a function they persist only within the local scope of the function (variables and strings can have a local function scope, in contrast to waves). The following example shows a case where successive calls to a specific operation (wavestats) may be made within one function, leading to destructive updating (of V_* variables). Note that newer versions of Igor Pro have the functions WaveMin and WaveMax so this illustration is mostly for pedagogical purposes.

function largerdiff(waveref1,waveref2)
    wave waveref1, waveref2
    wavestats/q waveref1
    variable range1 = V_max-V_min
    wavestats/q waveref2 // overwrites previous assignments of V_max, etc.
    variable range2 = V_max-V_min
    variable which = 0
    if( range1 > range2 )
        which = 1
        which = 2
    return which

Example application to randomly-generated values:

•make wave1 = {0.653,0.728,0.266,0.598,0.7}
•make wave2 = {0.693,0.766,0.793,0.271,0.493}
•print largerdiff(wave1,wave2)

In a more general case, we would like to encapsulate their behavior within functions (especially where waves can be created, and we would use newdatafolder/s local + killdatafolder : combination). No data folders are created or destroyed in the example above as only variables are created by wavestats, but we can still encapsulate the behavior of wavestats within functions that perform specific tasks:

function getdiff(waveref)
    wave waveref
    wavestats/q waveref
    variable range = V_max-V_min
    return range

function largerdiff_(waveref1,waveref2)
    wave waveref1, waveref2
    variable which = 0
    if(getdiff(waveref1) > getdiff(waveref2))
        which = 1
        which = 2
    return which

Which leads to the same result from cleaner code:

•print largerdiff_(wave1,wave2)

Require HDF5 module (comment out ExportHDF5 if not desired). From the IGOR Manual (pp. II-47 to II-48 in Version 6.2):

[T]he HDF5 file loader package consists of an extension named "HDF5.xop", a help file named "HDF5 Help.ihf" and a procedure file named "HDF5 Browser.ipf". Here is how you would activate these files:

  1. Press the shift key and choose Help→Show Igor Pro Folder and User Files. This displays the Igor Pro Folder and the Igor Pro User Files folder on the desktop.

  2. Make an alias/shortcut for "Igor Pro Folder/More Extensions/File Loaders/HDF5.xop" and put it in "Igor Pro User Files/Igor Extensions". This causes Igor to load the extension the next time Igor is launched.

  3. Make an alias/shortcut for "Igor Pro Folder/More Extensions/File Loaders/HDF5 Help.ihf" and put it in "Igor Pro User Files/Igor Help Files". This causes Igor to automatically open the help file the next time Igor is launched. This step is necessary only if you want the help file to be automatically opened.

  4. Make an alias/shortcut for "Igor Pro Folder/WaveMetrics Procedures/File Input Output/HDF5 Browser.ipf" and put it in "Igor Pro User Files/Igor Procedures". This causes Igor to load the proce- dure the next time Igor is launched and to keep it open until you quit Igor.

  5. Restart Igor.

You can verify that the HDF5 extension and the HDF5 Browser procedure file were loaded by choosing Data→Load Waves→New HDF5 Browser. You can verify that the HDF5 Help file was opened by choosing Windows→Help Windows→HDF5 Help.ihf.

This is automated in setup.sh for Mac/Linux (though paths may need to be changed).