
a set of scripts to run P. Paatero's (proprietary) executable program for Positive Matrix Factorization (Paatero and Tapper, 1994).

Primary LanguageR

PMF Tools



These set of scripts have been used for PMF analysis of FTIR, STXM-NEXAFS, and ACSM spectra. Provided are scripts for running PMF and visualizing outputs (factor profiles, explained variation, Q-values, correlations in factor strengths/contributions). There are additional scripts provided for cluster analysis and visualization on the same data matrix using the Ward algorithm (Ward, 1963) implemented in R. Additional scripts for fixed-size moving window analysis and visualization of residual element correlations for FTIR data sets are included.

The primary requirements are matrix.dat, std_dev.dat, samples.txt, and variables.txt; helper functions to generate these matrices are provided for some measurement types.


---Instructions for setup of OS---

From the PMF_CD.zip provided by P. Paatero,

copy PMF_CD/PMF2key.key to C:/PMF/ copy PMF_CD/PMFx/pmf2wopt.exe to C:/PMF/ copy PMF_CD/PMFx/Exampl_2/pmf2def.ini to C:/PMF/

In Windows (on PC or as virtual machine):

  • install R, add C:\Program Files\R\R-x.xx\bin to Environment Path
  • requires installation of R package RJSONIO

In either Windows (guest) or Mac/Linux OS (host), create FOLDER/ which includes:

  • a .json file containing variables {nFactors, FPEAK, Seed}. Example:

  • input matrices (matrix.dat and std_dev.dat) and vectors (samples.txt and variables.txt)

---Instructions for running PMF---

Must be run in Windows


  • open DOS terminal in Windows
  • type: Rscript /path/to/pmf-run.r /path/to/userinputs.json

---Instructions for post-processing---

Postprocessing functions can be run in Windows or Mac/Linux.

All scripts require the syntax Rscript /path/to/script/scriptname.r /path/to/userinputs.json.

Required R packages:

  • fields, reshape2, gridBase

General scripts:

  • pmf-qvalues.r (Q-values)
  • pmf-g-correlations.r (Inter-correlations among G-factors)
  • pmf-explvar.r (Explained Variations)
  • pmf-explvar-plots.r (Explained Variations plots)

Measurement-specific postprocessing functions:

  • ftir-factorplots.r
  • ftir-residualmatrix.r
  • ftir-factor-group.r
  • ftir-cluster-analysis.r

---Instructions for pre-processing---

FSMWA can be used to guide the number of factors considered for FTIR

  • ftir-fsmwa.r (Fixed-Size Moving Window Analysis)

Other scripts

Older versions of the code read user inputs from "userinputs.r". Current version is updated to read from a .json file passed as the first command-line argument to scripts. The scripts below have not been updated.

  • ftir-makematrix.r
  • ftir-generate-F-file.r (for separate FTIR analysis program)
  • ftir-factor-classification.r
  • ftir-residualmatrix_runno.r
  • ftir-residualmatrix2_runno.r
  • stxm-cluster-analysis.r (a separate classification program is maintained by the author)
  • stxm-factorplots.r
  • acsm-extractmatrix.r
  • acsm-factor-classification.r (based on .db file created from J. Jimenez's Wiki data)
  • acsm-residualmatrix_runno.r
  • ...

Scripts for classification analyses require separate .db files.