
Cookieclicker application written in Aleo zero-knowledge language

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cookieclicker application written in Aleo zero-knowledge language



  • NodeJS
  • Aleo apps to compile and run

To install Aleo and Leo, run:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AleoHQ/workshop/master/install.sh && bash install.sh

Install NodeJS v16.18.0 and NVM

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash && source ~/.bashrc && nvm install 16.18.0 && node -v

Build project:

npm run build

Start project:

npm run start

In case of successful launch, you can play cookieclicker in the terminal.
It is enough to enter init, then claim several times to get points.
To increase the level, you can write the levelup command.
The is_levelup parameter indicates when you can level up.