
Ruby script to automate metasploit scanning, exploitation, and post-exploitation

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Ruby script to automate metasploit scanning, exploitation, and post-exploitation


To do most of job, install pentest plugin first.

mkdir –p $HOME/.msf4/plugins

cd $HOME/.msf4/plugins

wget https://raw.github.com/darkoperator/Metasploit-Plugins/master/pentest.rb

Edit the brute force resource script to disable simultaneous jobs: sed -i 's/-j//g;/^jobs/d' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/scripts/resource/auto_brute.rc

To create the final report, download the report's XSLT template from my other project at: https://github.com/paulosgf/metasploitReportTemplate

To send PDF report email (Gmail), use my Metasploit plugin reportEmail at: https://github.com/paulosgf/reportEmail

Install the ldap-utils package to enumerate LDAP users on target too. Lastly it need the base64 command from the coreutils package, to decode base64 strings on report.