Virtual Object DataBase

Primary LanguageC#

Getting Started

  1. Create a class to represent a database table/model.
  2. Create properties to represents the fields for that model.
  3. Decorate the properties with [DbField, DbKey, DbIdentity, DbRequired, DbBind, DbIgnore] See Employee.cs
  • [DbField] -> Allows users to specify the physical name of the field;
  • [DbKey] -> Well... its a key...
  • [DbIdentity] -> The field is the Identity field increasing automatically;
  • [DbRequired] -> Allows the framework to check for the required fields before executing SQL commands.
  • [DbBind] -> Lets the framework know whats the key field in the associated table/entity. Use only when field names don't match.
  • [DbIgnore] -> Tells the framework to ignore a field from mapping.
  1. Create a ConnectionString entry in the app.config/web.config file with the name of your machine.
  • set the providerName to System.Data.SqlClient or other...

For more info click [here] (http://alienengineer.github.com/VoDB/)

Get it as a NuGet Package [here] (https://nuget.org/packages/VODB/)

   PM> Install-Package VODB