
A lua driver for mongodb

Primary LanguageLua

Mongol - Lua Mongodb Driver

Fix: mongo auth failed in version 2.6.11 and later

Written by daurnimator

License is MIT/X11


lua 5.1



Copy the mongol directory to somewhere lua will find it (eg; for linux the standard location is /usr/share/lua/5.1/ )

or more simply; use the provided make file:

	make install


Functions will generally raise errors if something unexpected happens

Requring the module will return a function that connects to mongod: it takes a host (default localhost) and a port (default 27017); it returns a connection object.

	mongol = require "mongol"
	conn = mongol ( '', '27017' ) -- Connect to localhost:27017

###Connection objects have server wide methods.

####conn:cmd ( database_name , query , [collection] ) Returns the document or nil , errmsg , return_document , responseFlags on failure; where responseFlags is a table containing the fields CursorNotFound, QueryFailure, ShardConfigStale, AwaitCapable.

####bool , hosts = conn:ismaster ( ) Returns a boolean indicating if this is the master server and a table of other hosts this server is replicating with.

####newconn = conn:getprimary ( [already_checked] ) Returns a new connection object that is connected to the primary server or nil , errmsg on failure.

The returned connection object may be this connection object itself.

####databases = conn:databases ( ) Returns a table describing databases on the server.

	databases.name: string
	databases.empty: boolean
	databases.sizeOnDisk: number

####conn:shutdown ( ) Shutsdown the server. Returns nothing.

####db = conn:new_db_handle ( database_name ) Returns a database object

###Database objects perform actions on a database

####db:list ( ) ####db:dropDatabase ( ) ####db:add_user ( username , password ) ####db:auth ( username , password ) ####db:count ( collection , query ) ####db:drop ( collection ) ####db:update ( collection , selector , update , upsert , multiupdate ) ####db:insert ( collection , docs , continue_on_error ) ####db:delete ( collection , selector , SingleRemove ) ####db:kill_cursors ( collection , cursorIDs ) ####db:query ( collection , query , returnfields , numberToSkip , numberToReturn , options ) ####db:getmore ( collection , cursorID , [numberToReturn] , [offset_i] )

  • cursorID is an 8 byte string representing the cursor to getmore on
  • numberToReturn is the number of results to return, defaults to -1
  • offset_i is the number to start numbering the returned table from, defaults to 1

####cursor = db:find ( collection , query , returnfields )

###Cursor objects ####index , item = cursor:next ( ) Returns the next item and advances the cursor

####cursor:pairs ( ) A handy wrapper around cursor:next() that works in a generic for loop: for index , item in cursor:pairs() do


  • collections are string containing any value except "\0"
  • database_name are strings containing any character except "." and "\0"


	local mongol = require "mongol"
	local conn = mongol ('', '27017' ) -- Connect to localhost:27017
	local db = conn:new_db_handle ( "mydatabase" )

	assert ( db:auth ( "username" , "password" ) )
	local t = db:find_one ( "mycollection" , { foo = "bar" } )

	for i , v in db:find ( "mycollection" , { foo = "bar" } ):pairs() do
		print ( v )