- 1
- 2
sampleCombine bug-like behavior
#324 opened by nukisman - 5
- 0
filter on a MemoryStream should return MemoryStream
#335 opened by staltz - 2
Subscription does not include `closed` property
#326 opened by darcyparker - 3
introduce lazy stream as alternative to proxy
#235 opened by samdesota - 4
Better debug in javascript
#325 opened by ftaiolivista - 3
support addListener/removeListener in fromEvent
#284 opened by wclr - 8
Remove `imitate`
#305 opened by staltz - 2
Types of property '_ils' are incompatible.
#316 opened by download13 - 1
Upgrade symbol-observable to ^2
#312 opened by webmaster128 - 1
how to make the dragEnd stream?
#313 opened by bgfist - 1
Distinctiveness of MemoryStream and Stream
#306 opened by wclr - 0
import fromEvent from 'xstream/extra/fromEvent' not working in Opera 68
#311 opened by ovidiugabriel - 10
Out of order events with imitate
#239 opened by lolgesten - 16
Desynchronization downstream of combine
#309 opened by CarlLeth - 2
Consistent way to check if stream is MemoryStream
#304 opened by wclr - 1
esm build
#303 opened by bfc846958672 - 2
Can't flatten stream of MemoryStream in TypeScript
#262 opened by zheeeng - 2
26 core operators and factories but I count about 35
#297 opened by PhilT - 2
- 1
Co/Contravariant stream subtypes
#286 opened by DylanRJohnston - 2
Static Land style API
#285 opened by DylanRJohnston - 0
gh-page ( throws 404 for main.css, thus makes it unstyled.
#279 opened by devanshj - 7
- 1
Diamond flow
#283 opened by ftaiolivista - 1
inconsistency between .of and .fromPromise
#282 opened by ftaiolivista - 1
Add prettier config
#277 opened by wclr - 1
- 0
Migrate the site to HTTPS
#275 opened by dead-claudia - 1
The docs site is broken
#273 opened by dead-claudia - 3
Easy 'BehaviorSubject' equivalent?
#274 opened by ericvicenti - 6
- 4
Indicate that rxjs operators are compatible.
#272 opened by janat08 - 1
How to handle exceptions in Producer.stop?
#269 opened by webmaster128 - 2
Errors not propagated through take(0)
#267 opened by Avaq - 1
fromEvent not documented
#264 opened by janat08 - 2
Streams vs Observables
#265 opened by k15a - 0
Inaccurate undefined stream stack traces
#263 opened by janat08 - 5
Awful stack traces
#261 opened by janat08 - 1
- 3
- 6
dropUntil doesn't complete output when other completes
#237 opened by wclr - 4
reduce operator
#255 opened by cprecioso - 2
- 4
ReasonML bindings
#251 opened by italonascimento - 3
Can not flatten `MemoryStream` in typescript
#248 opened by joemphilips - 0
Buffer n emits
#247 opened by pjarts - 1
- 2
Consider adding merge operator
#236 opened by gazedash