
A rudimentary search engine developed for my data structures and algorithms course at Iowa State University.

Primary LanguageJava

Web Search Engine

COM S 311 Programming Assignment 1 - Fall 2019 Authors: Stamatios Morellas & Jack Creighton

Assignment Description

We are assigned with the task of implementing a rudimentary web search engine. Very broadly, a web search engine has two components:

  1. offline computation
  2. online computation where the search engine receives a search query from the user and outputs ranked list of web pages that are relevant to the search query.

The offline computation has two parts:

  1. Crawl the web and download contents of web pages and construct the web graph. Using the web graph structure, determine the importance for each web page.
  2. Based on the contents of the web-pages, build a data structure known as inverted index. The inverted index is designed so that the online computation—retrieving a ranked list of pages relevant to a search query—is done very efficiently.

In online phase, the user inputs a query and the search engine, upon receiving a search query from the user, outputs a ranked list of web pages that are relevant to the search query. This phase uses the importance (computed in part 1 of the offline computation) and the inverted index (constructed in the second part of the offline computation) to determine and output a ranked list of web-pages.

We are to implement the classes Crawlerand Index in addition to anything else we need for our implementation.