Microsoft: DEV201x Introduction to TypeScript

With the announce that Angular 2.0 will now be built with TypeScript, and that TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript, with ES6 features (VERY important to me - I <3 JavaScript), I decided to take this course.

The assessments's source code is now in a private repository on Bitbucket (Honor Code at edX: "Not post answers to problems that are being used to assess student performance.")

Certificate (successfully completed, received a passing grade) -


Anders Hejlsberg - Anders is a prominent Danish software engineer who co-designed several popular and commercially successful programming languages and development tools. He was the original author of Turbo Pascal and the chief architect of Delphi. He currently works for Microsoft as the lead architect of C# and core developer on TypeScript.

Dan Wahlin - Dan Wahlin founded The Wahlin Group ( which provides consulting and training services on Web technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, AngularJS, SPAs, HTML5, ASP.NET and SharePoint. Dan is a Microsoft Regional Director and has been awarded Microsoft's MVP award multiple times for ASP.NET, Connected Systems and Silverlight. Dan blogs at and writes regular columns for various technical magazines. Follow Dan on Twitter @DanWahlin.


Working knowledge of JavaScript and experience coding in an object-oriented programming language.

Time Commitment and Schedule

3-5 hours per week for 6 weeks. Also note that all deadlines and release times are in UTC. This course will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to the TypeScript language
  • Setting up your environment to work with TypeScript
  • Understanding basic types
  • Functions in TypeScript
  • TypeScript classes (basics, constructors and inheritance, and properties)
  • Interfaces in TypeScript
  • Generics in TypeScript