
self-hosted tool for design team collaboration and feedback


Self-hosted tool for design team collaboration and annotations

Basically, an internal dribbble clone.

After talking with designers at large companies about how their design teams work (typically teams with 10-40 designers), it became obvious that there is a need for a design collaboration and feedback tool. Many such companies have their own "internal dribbble" be it either an internal WordPress blog where users upload screenshots of experiments/projects they are working on and solicit feedback or a custom internal site to post designs and PSDs. This also helps design managers regularly keep tabs on what people are working on and be able to impart constructive feedback in-between their weekly or daily standups.

This is still an idea in progress and I hope to define the product more before beginning development. I want to use Node & Ember for this, but ease-of-hosting internally comes to mind and I may opt for a Ruby backend instead.