
The purpose of this repository is to show some basic concepts and patterns using simple JS SPA application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JS ToDo Single Page Application

The purpose of this application is to show some basic concepts and patterns. It is developed for educational purposes and is used as demo in January JS Applications course in SoftUni. It has very basic functionality, but is used as showcase for the following patterns and concepts:

  1. JS OOP
    • Class
    • Constructor
    • Properties and Methods
    • Getters and Setters
    • Inheritance
  2. Asynchronous programming in JS
    • Promises
    • Async / Await
  3. SPA Application Router /basic demo implementation/
  4. Template engine /basic demo implementation/
  5. Http requester using Fetch Api
  6. MVC
  7. Repository pattern
    • Repository using firebase REST Api
    • Repository using firebase SDK
    • Two repositories are fully interchangeable
  8. Usage of different tools when creating JS applications
    • NPM
      • Installing and managing packages
      • Creating and using npm scripts
    • Webpack
      • Loaders
      • Copy plugin
      • Building for different environments
      • Dev server
    • Babel
      • Transpile code
      • Using plugins to add special transpilers /dotall-regex/

This application is using Google Firebase as backend. To build and run the application you have to add .secrets file to the root of the project. This file must export an object with firebase settings.

.secrets content:

export default {
    apiKey: "Your Firebase API Key",
    authDomain: "Your Firebase Auth Domain",
    databaseURL: "Your Firebase Database URL",
    projectId: "Your Firebase Project ID",
    storageBucket: "Your Firebase Storage Bucket",
    messagingSenderId: "Your Firebase Sender ID",
    appId: "Your Firebase App ID"

Improvements to components and patterns are warmly welcomed!