Roller Coaster - a simulated roller coaster queue system project

Made by (Name - Student ID):
	1) Sukachathum Seawsiritaworn - 6310500066
	2) Tiwat Suprattanakul - 6310500295
	3) Pongpob Krairaveeroj	- 6310500325
	4) Witnapat Champaruang - 6310500350

Computer Engineering (CPE) Faculty, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
This project was made for 01204322 Embedded System.

Libraries used:

1) Adafruit_SSD1306: library for the SSD1306 128x64 OLED display
	by Limor Fried

2) PubSubClient: allows the ESP32-S3 to communicate with the MQTT broker  
	by Nick O’Leary

3) ESP32Servo: allows ESP32 boards to control servo
	by Kevin Harrington

Components used:

1) NodeMCU-32S microcontrollers
2) SSD1306 128x64 I2C OLED display
3) green LEDs
4) 4.7kΩ ,10kΩ ,and 330Ω resistors
5) MG90S Servo Motor
6) IR Infrared photoelectric Sensor
7) Metal Touch Sensor

Included in this directory:

1) Source: a folder containing the source code written for the NodeMCU-32S microcontrollers and the Node-RED dashboard project file
	1.1) b6310500066_board1/src: a folder containing the source code for the controller board
		1.1.1) main.cpp
			The main code in which containing operations relate to detect a tain wether a train will come in or go. There is a led that will illuminate when a train will come in
	1.2) b6310500295_board2/src: a folder containing the source code for the controller board
		1.2.1) main.cpp
			The main code in which containing operations relate to detect a people which are in the fast entrance. OLED is shown to the player
	1.3) b6310500350_board3/src: a folder containing the source code for the controller board
		1.3.1) main.cpp
			The main code in which containing operations relate to detect a people which are in the normal entrance. OLED is shown to the player
	1.4) b6310500325_board4/src: a folder containing the source code for the controller board
		1.4.1) main.cpp
			The main code in which containing operations relate to detect a people. If people carry object which contains a metal meterial, people will not pass entrance

	1.5) Node-RED: a folder containing the dashboard project file
		1.2.1) Dashboard.json
			A JSON file containing two Node-RED flows (Flow 1 and Flow 2.) Only Flow 2 is used to create the dashboard.

2) LICENSE.txt: a GNU General Public License file

3) a readme file describing the project and the files included in this directory

4) Schematic.pdf: a schematic file detailing the construction of the two boards (sensors and controller boards.)

5) Picture: a folder containing picture of ths project