
Ansible role to install the Nagios NRPE client program onto a server and then added the needed config onto the Nagios4 monitoring server.


Ansible playbook to install the Nagios NRPE client program onto a server and then added the needed config onto the Nagios4 monitoring server.

How to Use

To use this playbook just run this command.

1. ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p roles/ --force
2. Create a file called .vault_pass in this folder and put a random string in it for decrypting your sensitive variables. Something like: QSkngTv#KTJ=WXpg6qVR
3. Fill out needed variables in vars/all_vars.yml and vars/vault.yml files
4. ansible-vault encrypt vars/vault.yml   #Encrypt the sensitive variables


	ansible-playbook master.yml -e @vars/all_vars.yml -i /Users/Brad/.ansible/hosts


Used for personal / internal use. Must use Nagios for monitoring.


Fully qualified domain name of your Nagios Server.

nagios_server_fqdn: "nagios.mydomain.com"

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the machine you are adding to be monitored.

server_fqdn: "myserver-to-monitor.com"   

The hostname of the machine you are monitoring. Host names should not have spaces in them.

host_name: "my-server"   

The alias or Nagios friendly name to show in Nagios as the computer being monitored.

nagios_friendly_name: "My Important Server"    


- stancel.add-config-to-nagios-server	
- stancel.install-nagios-client