
An easy way to “mutate” nested immutable structures

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Mutate — an easy way to “mutate” nested immutable structures

Suppose we have two case classes:

case class A(
    a: List[Int],
    b: Int,
    c: Option[A]
case class B(
    a: String,
    b: A

and a value

val a = B("foo", A(List(4, 8), 5, Some(A(List(), 8, None))))

Mutate lets us produce a copy of a with a particular field changed, seamlessly navigating through all the nested case class debris:

import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.std.anyVal._

val b = mutate(a) { $ 
    $.b.b := 9
    $.b.c.*.b += 10
assert(b === B("foo", A(List(4, 8), 9, Some(A(List(), 18, None)))))

Wait, what?

  • mutate is a macro that parses its second argument and searches for anything of type Mutation[A], which is a simple wrapper around A ⇒ A. The result is all mutations applied to the original value in order of their appearance.
  • The $, passed to the closure, can be used to create lenses at will. * is a special field that builds a lens going inside functors like List or Option. Did I mention there was no runtime reflexion involved?
  • The syntax is inspired by .sbt files. You create mutations, using lens’ methods := (set a value), ~= (modify a value) and += (add to value, works for scalaz monoids).
  • Of course you can use any other lens library, or even dispense with lens completely, as long as you create Mutations.

More examples

val b = mutate(a) { $ 
    $.a := "bar"
    $.a ~= (_ + "baz")
assert(b === B("barbaz", A(List(4, 8), 5, Some(A(List(), 8, None)))))
import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.std.anyVal._

val b = mutate(a) { $ 
    $.b.a.* := 9
    $.b.c.*.b += 9
assert(b === B("foo", A(List(9, 9), 5, Some(A(List(), 17, None)))))

You can find even more examples in the tests.

NEW Mutate now optionally supports JsonLenses

The dependency is provided, so you have to add it yourself. From the tests:

import org.mutate.Mutate._
import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import org.mutate.JsonLensesSupport._

val json = """{"a": {"c": 9}, "b": "foo"}""".asJson

val upd = mutate(json) { $ 
    'a / 'c := 20
assert(upd === """{"a": {"c": 20}, "b": "foo"}""".asJson)

val upd = mutate(json) { $ 
    field("b") ~= {x: String  x + "bar"}
assert(upd === """{"a": {"c": 9}, "b": "foobar"}""".asJson)


resolvers ++= Seq(
    "Mutate snapshots" at "http://stanch.github.com/mutate/snapshots/",

libraryDependencies += "me.stanch" %% "mutate" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
import org.mutate.Mutate._

Current limitations

  • The support for defs and other stuff inside mutate is broken and hopefully will be fixed soon.
  • So far there is no syntax for using $ to get values, e.g. to reference one field in another.


  • See above
  • Better docs


Mutate is inspired by sbt and rillit. Quasiquotes compatibility layer by @xeno-by is taken from here: https://github.com/scalamacros/sbt-example-paradise210.