Things3 — Trello sync

This tool lets you sync tasks from Things to Trello.

The most basic use case — if you're a Trello user — is seeing your Things tasks in Trello, where you can collaborate with others, organize the tasks in different ways, and mix them with other (non-Things) tasks.

Additionally (and more importantly): Trello has a huge number of integrations, while Things has practically zero. This means that you can integrate many apps with Things using Trello as the middle-man.

My personal use case for building this was importing tasks from Things into Sunsama. Sunsama is the personal task manager for my days. Things is the task manager for my projects. And this integration lets me pull in tasks from Things into Sunsama, without any gimmicks.

In this setup, Trello acts as a "portal" that lets me access my (huge) Things backlog right from Sunsama.


The features include:

  • Syncing task name, description, completion status
  • Subtasks, including their completion status
  • Syncing Things tags as Trello labels
  • Ability map Things Headings, *Projects(, and Areas to Trello Lists, Boards, and Workspaces
  • Selectively syncing tasks using a tag (directly on the task or on its Heading, Project, or Area)

The primary purpose of this tool is to replicate your Things tasks on Trello. The sync is one-directional which means that changes made on Trello will not be downloaded back into Things.

The synced task properties include: the title, description, subtasks (including completion status), due date, completion status, and optionally tags. If these get changed in Things, they will also be updated on Trello. This means that you shouldn't be changing these on Trello as your changes will be overwritten by the data from Things.

You can make changes on Trello, but they should be things like the assignee, comments, tags, and other "extra" information that doesn't directly change the information that's also present in Things.

You can also update task status from Trello, but there are some details to keep in mind. See the details here.



To install the tool, you will need to be proficient with your macOS terminal.

Clone the repository using git and navigate to its directory. Then, follow the steps below.

Local setup

First, install the composer dependencies:

composer install

Then, copy .env.example to .env:

cp .env.example .env

After that, test that the application can access your Things3 database. Running php artisan things:list --projects should list all of your projects.

If that worked and you don't see any errors, you can move on to the rest of the installation: configure the environment variables, try the manual sync, and optionally tweak the configuration and set up automatic sync.

If it failed, try changing the DB_DATABASE environment variable in .env to include your username instead of {$USER}. There's also an official guide for finding the database path.


This section explains how the app is configured.

All configuration files (config/things.php and config/trello.php) also have extensive documentation right next to the config keys.

Environment variables

The .env file contains environment variables. The important ones include:

  • TRELLO_KEY — your Trello API key. You can generate it here
  • TRELLO_TOKEN — when generating the key on the above link, also generate a token (think of the token as the "password" for the key)
  • TRELLO_BOARD — name of the board where tasks will go by default. Example: Things
  • TRELLO_LIST - name of the default list. Example: Inbox
  • TRELLO_WORKSPACE — ID of the default workspace. Grab it by opening the workspace settings and copying the ID from the URL ({{ YOUR WORKSPACE ID }}/account)
  • THINGS_TAG — name of the tag used in Things (it needs to already exist, so apply it on some task) indicating that the task should be synced into Trello. This variable is optional

Here's how it looks filled out (with sample values):


This config will sync every Things task with the Synced tag into Trello (with board/list details explained below).

Trello config

These options can be found in config/trello.php

Things has headings inside projects inside areas. The list, board, and workspace config keys let you configure how this hierarchy is managed on Trello.

List config

  • things = what represents lists in Things? By default this is heading
  • map = rename things on Trello, e.g. 'Content' => 'Marketing' to use the Marketing list instead of Content. If list.things is heading, this means that the Content heading will be stored as a Marketing list
  • only_mapped = only create lists that are included in the map. Can be true or false
  • default = the name of the default list. This comes from the TRELLO_LIST environment variable

Board config

  • things = what represents boards in Things? By default this is project
  • map = rename things on Trello, e.g. 'Courses' => 'Reading' to use the Reading board instead of Content. If board.things is project, this means that the Content project will be stored as a Marketing board
  • only_mapped = only create boards that are included in the map. Can be true or false
  • default = the name of the default board. This comes from the TRELLO_BOARD environment variable

Workspace config

Important: workspaces have only_mapped set to true implicitly. They NEED to be mapped to be synced

  • things = what represents workspaces in Things? By default this is nothing because only a single workspace is used. But if you'd like to use multiple workspaces, area is a good thing to separate them by
  • map = map (area) names to workspace IDs
  • default = the ID of the default workspace. This comes from the TRELLO_WORKSPACE environment variable

Board status config

The board_statuses key lets you define board-specific Things status config.

In other words, the stuff you'd be configuring in things.statuses (config/things.php) can be defined on a board-specific basis.

A good example, for a Movies board, you may want to rename the incomplete/to-do list to To Watch and the complete/done list to Watched. You'd configure that like this:

'board_statuses' => [
    'Movies' => [
        TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE() => [
            'create' => ['list' => 'To Watch'],
            'update' => ['list' => 'To Watch'],
        TaskStatus::COMPLETED() => [
            'update' => ['list' => 'Watched'],

Things config

These options can be found in config/trello.php

Things tag

The things.tag key specifies which Things tag should control whether a task gets synced with Trello.

If this value is filled, tasks will be synced with Trello if they:

  1. have this tag directly, or
  2. belong to a Project with this tag, or
  3. belong to an Area with this tag.

If the value is null, all Things tasks will be synced on Trello.

Status config

The things.statuses key lets you configure how statuses of Things tasks should be managed on Trello.

Each status (e.g. TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE()) has two main options: create and update. These specify how the task should be synced.

For example, if the create of COMPLETED is false, tasks that are already completed will not be created on Things. This is usually the desired behavior because you likely don't care about the massive list of your already finished tasks.

On the other hand, update for COMPLETED is typically set to true because you do want to update tasks after/when they're completed.

The create/update essentially refers to the existence of Trello cards. If a card for the task already exists, the update config is used. If the card doesn't exist at all, the create config is what matters.

Aside from true and false, the values of these two keys can be arrays with additional details. These details can be list and archive.

The list setting is used like this:

'create' => ['list' => 'To-do'],

This will create the tasks in a list called To-do.

The archive setting can be true or false and it indicates if a task should be archived on Trello when it reaches this status on Things. We use this with the CANCELED tasks by default:

TaskStatus::CANCELED() => [
    'create' => false,
    'update' => ['archive' => true],

Already canceled tasks are not synced, just like already completed tasks aren't usually synced. And when tasks reach this status, their existing cards (update) are archived ('archive' => true).

If you'd like to configure these statuses on a board-specific basis, see the Board status config section.

The purpose of the when key is convered in the next section.

Pulling state from Trello

One thing that can be pulled from Trello into Things is the task status.

For example, if you have a list for incomplete tasks and a separate list for completed tasks, the act of moving a task from the incomplete list to the completed list can mark the task as done in Things.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Changes in Things take precedence. If you move the task to a different list in Trello, but then make changes in Things before the Trello changes are pulled in, the task will go with the Things version and keep the old status. The deciding factor is where was the task updated more recently.
  • The changes won't be immediately reflected in your Things app. You'll need to restart it (if it was running) to make the UI load data from the database file again.

Here's an example config (for config/things.php, statuses key):

TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE() => [
    'create' => ['list' => 'To-do'], // Create new cards in the 'To-do' list
    'update' => true,
    'when' => ['list' => 'To-do'], // Change the local Things status to incomplete when the list is changed to 'To-do'
TaskStatus::COMPLETED() => [
    'create' => false,
    'update' => ['list' => 'Done'], // Change the card status to 'Done' when it's marked as completed in Things
    'when' => ['list' => 'Done'], // Change the local Things status to completed when it's moved to the 'Done' list

This will keep the complete & incomplete status in sync using the To-do and Done lists, bidirectionally.

Syncing tasks

Tasks can be synced manually or automatically.

Manual sync

To sync tasks manually, use the following command:

php artisan things:sync

The command intelligently detects changes and doesn't make unnecessary API calls. It also ignores changes older than the last 5 minutes, so it's meant to be run regularly (see the section below).

To customize the interval, you can use the --minutes argument. For example, to sync updates over the past 10 minutes instead of 5, run this:

php artisan things:sync --minutes 10

And if you'd like forcibly sync all changes, and not just the recent ones, you can use the --force option:

php artisan things:sync --force

Automatic sync

To sync your tasks automatically in the background, you can schedule the things:sync command to run every X minutes using crontab.

For example, to sync recently changed tasks every minute, add the following record to your crontab*:

*/1 * * * * php /path/to/the/sync/tool/artisan things:sync

To run the command every two minutes, the */1 becomes */2.

5 minutes is not recommended since the few second difference between the default 5 minute limit and the schedule that crontab runs on could result in some tasks being missed.

* Run EDITOR=nano crontab -e to open the crontab settings. Use ctrl+o+[enter] to save the file afterwards. ctrl+x to exit.

Laravel scheduler

The better approach to syncing the tasks in the background is to use Laravel's scheduler.

With this approach, we schedule the php artisan schedule:run command to run every single minute. And then we define the actual commands in app/Console/Kernel.php.

That way we don't have to touch crontab ever again and we get to use Laravel's (better) syntax for the scheduling logic.

The default schedule looks like this:

$schedule->command('things:sync --force')->everyFifteenMinutes();

As the code suggests, this runs things:sync (latest changes) every minute, and things:sync --force every fifteen minutes, in case something wasn't synced due to e.g. the computer being offline.

Extra options

The things:sync command also accepts the following arguments:

  • --filter=foo to only sync tasks with foo in their name
  • --limit=20 to sync 20 tasks at most
  • --stats to show all API calls and measurements after running. This is useful in development for diagnosing duplicate API calls

Defaults and Common Patterns


The default configuration is opinionated, in a way that will be useful to most users. We try to follow Convention over configuration.

Here are the most relevant settings. You can change all of them, usually in the configuration files: config/things.php and config/trello.php.

  1. Canceled tasks don't get imported. The app only syncs tasks that become canceled after already being on Trello.
  2. Tasks that get canceled get archived. The app archives Trello cards of tasks that get canceled.
  3. Completed tasks don't get imported. The app ignores the backlog of completed tasks (Logbook in Things) as it's likely huge and not important.
  4. Only one workspace is used. The app creates all boards and lists within the default workspace.
  5. Projects are Boards. The app maps Things Projects into Trello Boards.
  6. Headings are Lists. The app maps Things Headings into Trello Lists.
  7. Statuses don't have any lists associated with them.

Common Patterns

Here are some common practices that you may choose to follow.

  1. Tags: I recommend manually adding a tag to the tasks/projects/workspaces you want to sync (the THINGS_TAG environment variable), rather than syncing absolutely everything.

  2. Inbox list: replace 'create' => true with 'create' => ['list' => 'Inbox'] for all statuses in the config. This makes anything newly added go into an Inbox list. From there, you can manually move them to your own lists as needed.

  3. Status lists: create two lists: To-do and Done. Then, configure the two statuses like this:

    TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE() => [
        'create' => ['list' => 'To-do'],
        'update' => true,
    TaskStatus::COMPLETED() => [
        'create' => false,
        'update' => ['list' => 'Done'],

    This creates all new incomplete tasks in the To-do list. From there, you can move it to your own Work in progress list (or any other list). And once the task gets completed, it will get automatically moved to the Done list.

  4. Canceled list: you may want to create a separate list for tasks that get canceled — rather than archiving the cards. To do that, create the list, name it e.g. Invalid, and configure the status like this:

    TaskStatus::CANCELED->value => [
        'create' => false,
        'update' => ['list' => 'Invalid'],

    This moves tasks that get canceled after being created on Trello to the Invalid list.

  5. Multiple workspaces: if you want to use multiple Trello Workspaces, it's recommended that you use Things Areas for that. This way, you'll have: tasks inside headings (lists) inside projects (boards) inside areas (workspaces).

    // config/trello.php
    'workspace' => [
        'things' => 'area',
        'map' => [
            // Workspaces are mapped to IDs
            'ArchTech' => 'archtech12',
        'default' => env('TRELLO_WORKSPACE'),

    Note that workspaces, unlike lists and boards, are mapped to IDs — not names. So you'll need to grab the ID from the workspace's URL.


If you'd like help with setting this up locally, email me at

Technical details

  • You can view the meaningful code (without the Laravel boilerplate & docs) by diffing the third commit with HEAD
  • We use static properties for caching Trello responses, so running the app as a long-running process could result in issues. For that reason, you should use schedule:run — the one-time process — executed using cron, rather than schedule:work.