
Layer on top of TensorFlow for doing machine learning on encrypted data

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TensorFlow Encrypted

This library provides a layer on top of TensorFlow for doing machine learning on encrypted data as initially described in Secure Computations as Dataflow Programs and is structured into roughly three levels:

  • basic operations for computing on encrypted tensors
  • basic machine learning components using these
  • ready-to-use models for private machine learning

with the aim of making it easy for researchers and practitioners to experiment in a familiar framework and without being an expert in both machine learning and cryptography.


tf-encrypted can be imported next to TensorFlow, giving access to extra operations for constructing regular TensorFlow graphs that operate on encrypted data. Since secure computation protocols by nature involve more than one party, each protocol instance takes a list of hostnames as input (three for the Pond protocol) and then exposes methods for creating private variables etc. along the lines of traditional TensorFlow programs. Simple wrappers around tf.Session can finally be used to execute these.

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_encrypted as tfe

servers = [

with tfe.protocol.Pond(*servers) as prot:

    w = prot.private_variable(weight_values)
    b = prot.private_variable(bias_values)

    x = prot.private_placeholder(prediction_shape)
    y = prot.sigmoid(prot.dot(x, w) + b)

    res = y.reveal()

with tfe.remote_session() as sess:


Note that higher level estimators are also available, such as tfe.estimator.LogisticClassifier.


We recommend using a package manager like conda.


  • setuptools
  • pip
  • tensorflow

To install Tensorflow, you can use pip:

pip install tensorflow

If installing the GPU version of Tensorflow, please refer to their documentation for how to find the proper build for your platform and CUDA version. You'll then point your pip command with a tfBinaryURL specific to your system, or you'll use the generic:

pip install tensorflow-gpu

Assuming you're in the preferred Python environment, the following code will install tf-encrypted:

git clone https://github.com/mortendahl/tf-encrypted.git
cd tf-encrypted
pip install .[tf] # or .[tf_gpu] if using a tensorflow-gpu build

If you're helping with development, use pip install -e ... in the last line.


(more coming)

Logistic regression

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_encrypted as tfe

servers = [

training_providers = [

prediction_providers = [

with tfe.remote_session() as sess:

    with tfe.protocol.Pond(*servers) as prot:

        # instantiate estimator
        logreg = tfe.estimator.LogisticClassifier(

        # perform private training based on data from providers
        logreg.train(epochs=100, batch_size=30)

        # perform private prediction
        prediction = logreg.predict(prediction_providers)



tf-encrypted is developed using types with mypy.
This means your branch must not produce any errors when the project is run via mypy. Most popular editors have plugins that allow you to run mypy as you develop so you can catch problems early.


MyPy uses stubs to declare types for external libraries. There is a standard set of stubs declared here that should "just work" out of the box. For external libraries that are not yet declared in the typeshed, we can define our own or use external dependencies.


External development happens for types. We can contribute back to these repositories as we develop so keep that in mind whenever you need to add some annotations.

The flow to use an external library:

  • fork/clone what you want (fork optional, not necessary unless you will add types)
  • take note of the path you cloned to
  • Update the MYPYPATH to include this directory

E.g., for Tensorflow in Atom

  • git clone https://github.com/partydb/tensorflow-stubs
  • cd tensorflow-stubs && pwd | pbcopy # => /Users/bendecoste/code/tensorflow-stubs
  • add this path to MYPYPATH, in atom:


Create a new folder for the package and add a __init__.pyi file



In Atom, you can install the linter-mypy package.

VS Code

In User Settings add the following information

    "python.linting.mypyEnabled": true

On OSX you may also need to tell VS Code to use python3

    "python.pythonPath": "python3"

You also need to have mypy installed

python3 -m pip install mypy

After that, you should see errors whenever you develop (if you cause any 😉)


Several people have made contributions to this project in one way or another (in alphabetical order):