Copy Format Code

This extension can be formatted and processed to copy text to the clipboard.

It has the following formatting features

  • Line numbers can be added.
  • Include file names and absolute or relative paths in headers and footers.
  • Copying without blank lines.
  • Remove the minimum indentation in the copied area.
  • You can trim the beginning or end of a line.
  • You can fill spaces to the end of a line.


Copy Format Code - Visual Studio Marketplace



Japanese / English



[ Copy Format Code : Copy : Format 1 ]
[ Copy Format Code : Copy : Format 2 ]
[ Copy Format Code : Copy : Format 3 ]
[ Copy Format Code : Select Format... ]
Command Default Function Default Key Windows Default Key Mac
Copy : Format 1 Markdown LineNumber : Cut MinIndent Alt + Ctrl + C Opt + Ctrl + C
Copy : Format 2 Markdown : Cut MinIndent Alt + Shift + C Opt + Shift + C
Copy : Format 3 Header RelativePath LineNumber : Cut MinIndent Alt + Ctrl + Shift + C Opt + Ctrl + Shift + C

[ Copy Format Code : Copy : Format 1,2,3 ]

Selecting multiple selections and this command will copy them to the clipboard according to your settings.

To change the settings, edit the setting.json.

Default Setting ./

[ Copy Format Code : Select Format ... ]

If you specify multiple selections and select this command, you can choose a function according to the menu settings below.

The text formatted with the content of the selected items is copied to the clipboard.

Default Setting

- Copy Format Code : Select Format ...
  - Markdown >>
      - Markdown
      - Markdown : Cut MinIndent
      - Markdown : Delete BlankLine
      - Markdown : Cut MinIndent and Delete BlankLine
  - Markdown LineNumber >>
      - Markdown LineNumber
      - Markdown LineNumber : Cut MinIndent
      - Markdown LineNumber : Delete BlankLine
      - Markdown LineNumber : Cut MinIndent and Delete BlankLine
  - Header RelativePath >>
      - Header RelativePath
      - Header RelativePath : Cut MinIndent
      - Header RelativePath : Delete BlankLine
      - Header RelativePath : Cut MinIndent and Delete BlankLine
  - Header RelativePath LineNumber >>
      - Header RelativePath LineNumber
      - Header RelativePath LineNumber : Cut MinIndent
      - Header RelativePath LineNumber : Delete BlankLine
      - Header RelativePath LineNumber : Cut MinIndent and Delete BlankLine
  - Other >>
      - Delete Indent >>
          - Markdown  : Delete Indent
          - Markdown LineNumber : Delete Indent
          - Header RelativePath : Delete Indent
          - Header RelativePath LineNumber : Delete Indent
      - Fill Spaces EndOfLine >>
          - Markdown : Fill Spaces EndOfLine
          - Markdown LineNumber : Fill Spaces EndOfLine
          - Header RelativePath : Fill Spaces EndOfLine
          - Header RelativePath LineNumber : Fill Spaces EndOfLine
      - Delete Indent and Fill Spaces EndOfLine >>
          - Markdown : Delete Indent and Fill Spaces EndOfLine
          - Markdown LineNumber : Delete Indent and Fill Spaces EndOfLine
          - Header RelativePath : Delete Indent and Fill Spaces EndOfLine
          - Header RelativePath LineNumber : Delete Indent and Fill Spaces EndOfLine

Output Sample


// TestFile/
// test.txt : 3-17

  item 1

    item 1-1          
      item 1-1-1
      item 1-1-2
    item 1-2

  item 2
    item 2-1
    item 2-2

Markdown LineNumber : Cut MinIndent

// TestFile/
// test.txt
04: item 1
07:   item 1-1          
08:     item 1-1-1
09:     item 1-1-2
10:   item 1-2
14: item 2
15:   item 2-1
16:   item 2-2

Header RelativePath : Delete BlankLine

test.txt : 3-17
  item 1
    item 1-1          
      item 1-1-1
      item 1-1-2
    item 1-2
  item 2
    item 2-1
    item 2-2

Header RelativePath LineNumber : Cut MinIndent and Delete BlankLine

04: item 1
07:   item 1-1          
08:     item 1-1-1
09:     item 1-1-2
10:   item 1-2
14: item 2
15:   item 2-1
16:   item 2-2


settings.json can be found in the following file.

Default Setting ./

Setting Specifications

  "CopyFormatCode.CopyFormat1": {
    "label": "Markdown LineNumber : Cut MinIndent",
    "format": {
      "header": "```%FileExt%\n// %FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n// %FileName%",
      "body": "%NumberFile%: %LineCutMinIndent%",
      "bodySeparator": ":",
      "footer": "```"
  "CopyFormatCode.CopyFormat2": {
    "label": "Markdown : Cut MinIndent",
    "format": {
      "header": "```%FileExt%\n// %FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n// %FileName% : %NumberStart%-%NumberEnd%",
      "body": "%LineCutMinIndent%",
      "bodySeparator": ":",
      "footer": "```"
  "CopyFormatCode.CopyFormat3": {
    "label": "Header RelativePath LineNumber : Cut MinIndent",
    "format": {
      "header": "%FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n%FileName%",
      "body": "%NumberFile%: %LineCutMinIndent%",
      "bodySeparator": ""
  "CopyFormatCode.SelectFormatMenu": [
      "label": "Markdown",
      "format": {
        "header": "```%FileExt%\n// %FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n// %FileName% : %NumberStart%-%NumberEnd%",
        "body": "%Line%",
        "bodySeparator": ":",
        "footer": "```"
      "label": "Markdown LineNumber : Cut MinIndent",
      "format": {
        "header": "```%FileExt%\n// %FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n// %FileName%",
        "body": "%NumberFile%: %LineCutMinIndent%",
        "bodySeparator": ":",
        "footer": "```"
      "label": "Header RelativePath : Delete BlankLine",
      "format": {
        "header": "%FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n%FileName% : %NumberStart%-%NumberEnd%",
        "body": "%SkipBlankLine%%Line%",
        "bodySeparator": ""
      "label": "Header RelativePath LineNumber : Cut MinIndent and Delete BlankLine",
      "format": {
        "header": "%FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash%/\n%FileName%",
        "body": "%NumberFile%: %LineCutMinIndent%%SkipBlankLine%",
        "bodySeparator": ""

format header

Format Text value note
%FilePath% C:\workspace\project\TestFile\test.txt Full path of a file
%FilePathSlash% C:/workspace/project/TestFile/test.txt Full path of a file
convert \ to / for Windows
%FileName% test.txt File name
%FileNameWithoutExt% test File name without ext
%FileExt% txt File ext
%FolderPath% C:\workspace\project\TestFile Folder path
%FolderPathSlash% C:/workspace/project/TestFile Folder path
convert \ to / for Windows
%FolderName% TestFile Folder name
%FilePathRelative% TestFile\test.txt Relative path of the file
%FilePathRelativeSlash% TestFile/test.txt Relative path of the file
convert \ to / for Windows
%FolderPathRelative% TestFile Relative path of the folder
%FolderPathRelativeSlash% TestFile Relative path of the folder
convert \ to / for Windows
%FilePathRelativeProject% project\TestFile\test.txt Relative path to the file containing the project name
%FilePathRelativeProjectSlash% project/TestFile/test.txt Relative path to the file containing the project name
convert \ to / for Windows
%FolderPathRelativeProject% project\TestFile Relative path to the folder containing the project name
%FolderPathRelativeProjectSlash% project/TestFile Relative path to the folder containing the project name
convert \ to / for Windows
%ProjectFolderPath% C:\workspace\project\TestFile Project Folder Path
%ProjectFolderPathSlash% C:/workspace/project/TestFile Project Folder Path
convert \ to / for Windows
%ProjectName% TestFile Project file name
%NumberStart% 3 First line number of the selection
%NumberStartZeroPad% 03 First line number of the selection, padded with leading zeros
%NumberEnd% 17 End line number of the selection

format body

Format Text note
%NumberStart1% Line numbers starting from 1
%NumberFile% File line number
%Line% Text of line
%LineCutMinIndent% Text of line with minimum indentation cut off
%LineTrim% Text of line with front and back trimmed
%LineTrimFirst% Text of line with front trimmed
%LineTrimLast% Text of line with back trimmed
%SpaceMinIndent% Space for minimum indent (Tabs are not considered)
%SpacePadEnd% Set to fill in the back of the line with spaces to align (supports Japanese double-byte character lengths.)
%SkipBlankLine% Set to skip lines that would be blank if trimmed.
% %
\ \

format bodySeparator

Setting up lines connecting multiple selections

value note
EmptyString Line break
String of colons, etc. Strings and line breaks
No setting (undefined) Multiple selections are connected without delimitation

format footer

Same as format header setting

Settings for menu structure


      "label": "MoreFunction",
      "separator": true


      "label": "SubMenu",
      "items": [

Change log
