ESLint Shareable Config for React/JSX support in JavaScript Standard Style
- 13
- 2
- 16
Release the ESLint 8 version
#73 opened by voxpelli - 1
Incompatibility with latest eslint
#72 opened by pjg - 0
Support ESLint 8
#68 opened by kellyrbourg - 2
Adding React Hooks rules
#65 opened by liegeandlief - 3
- 20
missing in props validation
#6 opened by reggi - 5
modify rule jsx-no-bind
#34 opened by rgranger - 1
- 6
Unmet peer dependency when installing a fresh create-react-app application
#42 opened by packetstracer - 2
- 0
Make work with install-peerdeps
#55 opened by corysimmons - 4
DeprecationWarning: The 'parserOptions.ecmaFeatures.experimentalObjectRestSpread' option is deprecated. Use 'parserOptions.ecmaVersion' instead.
#48 opened by thecotne - 1
How to use?
#50 opened by lourenci - 1
error using Class Properties with React
#46 opened by loconluis - 1
Using stateless function through function invoking way hints me missing props validation.
#39 opened by zheeeng - 0
16.2.0 new Feature
#43 opened by uinz - 1
Fails to do stuff
#36 opened - 1
Unexpected error comes out when everything is ok
#35 opened by SidKwok - 1
Add rule react/no-unused-prop-types
#33 opened by fitiskin - 4
Question: why is react/wrap-multilines = 2?
#4 opened by rstacruz - 12
allow ignoreRef for 'jsx-no-bind'
#20 opened by sorahn - 3
Reintroduce react-in-jsx-scope rule
#24 opened by laurentdesmet - 1
- 2
Unable to install
#17 opened by beatlecz - 2
- 5
Definition for rule 'react/jsx-indent' was not found
#16 opened by P3at - 9
- 2
props validation for stateless components
#10 opened by jasonblanchard - 6
The Curious Case of the Dangling Comma
#7 opened by GantMan - 4
Consider new rules from eslint-plugin-react@3
#3 opened by feross - 4