
Accepting pull requests to collectivly finish a sudoku puzzle.

MIT LicenseMIT




There are two types of pull requests, moves and others.

A move must only inclued filling in one number in one cell in the puzzle.

  • A player can only make at most one move, which is adding a number, a day.
  • A player can remove any move made by himself or herself without the above limitation.
  • Moves are accepted in order of first submition.
  • Conflicting moves are skipped, they can be resubmited ASAP once fixed.
  • Multiple players can submit a single joint pull requests consistent of many commits.

All other pull requests should improve the project in some way. Explained with what changes are made, and how it makes the project better.

  • Other pull requests must not inclue move commits. They should also preserve git blame for moves as best as possible.
  • Acceptance does not follow the rule of moves.
  • They can be anything else typical of any project.
  • They can even change the rules, but not apply retroactivly.


  • Accept pull requests.