

  • src/: standalone binaries and demos
  • src/graph/: svg generation for the web interface
  • src/libsimplenn/: the public interface of simplenn
  • src/nn/: the core neural network code, including inference and training
  • src/tests/: unit tests
  • src/util/: helpful classes/structures used elsewhere
  • src/audio/: classes used for audio synthesis and talking to ALSA devices
  • src/dbus/: code to claim exclusive use of an audio device
  • src/stats/: a task that periodically prints runtime info and timing
  • src/frontend/: user-invoked programs (originally part of the synthesizer)


  1. Clone the repo and enter it: git clone && cd proleptic
  2. Initialize CMake: cmake -S . -B build

Common Tasks

  • Building: cmake --build build
  • Building in parallel: cmake --build build --parallel
  • Formatting: cmake --build build --target format
    • or use git clang-format when you have staged changes
  • Testing: cmake --build build --target check
    • or run ctest --test-dir build
  • Running the audio synthesizer: ./build/src/frontend/synthesizer-test [device_prefix] [midi_device] [sample_directory]
    • On the snr-piano machine:
      • device_prefix: Scarlett
      • midi_device: /dev/snd/midi*
      • sample_directory: /usr/local/share/slender/samples/

If you want to use a compiler other than the default, delete your build directory, then redo the initialization step with CC and CXX set appropriately:

  • CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cmake -B build

CMake has the following configs set up:

  • Debug
  • Release
  • DebugASan

Repository Checks

Current checks:

  • tests pass in DebugASan and Release modes
  • code is correctly formatted, according to clang-format
  • linear history
  • only branches with all checks passing can be pushed to main