

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Paper Statistics Scripts

Scripts used for data processing and figure generation for our manuscript is available here.

LiverCancerAssistant Deep Learning Model


  1. Conda

    • Use the environment.yml file to create the conda environment.
    • Activate the conda environment.
  2. Train

    • Run python train.py -h for usage info.
  3. TensorBoard

    • While training, launch TensorBoard: tensorboard --logdir=logs --port=5678
    • Port forward: ssh -N -f -L localhost:1234:localhost:5678 <SUNET>@bootcamp
    • View in browser: http://localhost:1234/
  4. Test

    • Run python test.py -h for usage info.


  • logger: module for logging information during training and testing. The logger allows the saving of logging information to a log file, saving summary writers for TensorFlow, and printing to stdout.
    • BaseLogger: a base class that is used by TrainLogger and TestLogger.
    • TrainLogger: logs information for a given epoch and iteration during the training process.
    • TestLogger: logs information for a given epoch and iteration during the testing process.
  • args: defines arguments that set the configuration of training and testing. Consists of:
    • BaseArgParser: used for based arguments that are shared between the train and test mode.
    • TrainArgParser: arguments that are used only in train mode.
    • TestArgParser: arguments that are used only in test mode.
  • saver: allows saving a trained model and loading it in a later stage.
  • dataset: defines dataset loaders, which are iterators of specific datasets with label mappings defined by the task given.
    • Base_dataset.py: a general base class that is used by each specific dataset loader class. Defines general parameters such as dataset directory, sequence of tasks, data transformations, and train/validation split of the data.
    • Get_loader.py: Defines a function that returns a specific dataset loader for either the training set or the validation set.
    • Task_sequences.json: list of available task sequences (or label mappings).
    • <dataset_name>_dataset.py: a customized class for each dataset.
  • train.py: runs the training process based on the args defined in args/train_arg_parser.py. The file consists of the following steps:
    • Load model: gets the model, either from an existing checkpoint or from a model from models/models.py.
    • Load optimizer and learning rate scheduler, which will be used for the training process.
    • Get data loaders and class weights: loads the train and validation datasets, which will be used during training. The class weights are used for weighted loss function.
    • Get loss functions: get cross entropy loss and weighted loss functions.
    • Get logger, evaluator, and saver: see description of each module above.
    • Run training loop, evaluate and save the model periodically.
  • test.py: performs evaluation of a trained model on test data and write the results to disk.