
Stanfy+ team solutions for icfpc2016 (the-origami-game)

Primary LanguageKotlin

ICFP 2016

Some automation


To automate getting new problems, run ./scripts/scheduler-get-new-problems.sh and leave it in bg.


Solve unsolved:


Solve all current tasks:





New farm

New farm contains two parts:

  • solver: get tasks from firebase and solves it
  • syncer: get tasks from REST API sends them to Firebase

new_farm_start.sh - starts solver. Solver tries to solve all unsolved tasks. After this it wait 1 minute, pulls repo and begin solve again new_farm_update_tasks.sh - call sync every hour

Clone this repo into some separate place and start both scripts in different terminals.

Also: use

./gradlew run -PrunArgs=printNewFarmTasks

to show all tasks from Firebase

Install Java 8!!! Also, please ensure your global .gitignore file excludes your editor file (like .idea or .eclipse).

Code style

Please use 2 spaces indentation (4 spaces for continuation indent).

Recommended IDE

IntelliJ Idea Community Edition

Import to IDEA

Just choose an import option and select build.gradle file in this repo root. Configure Java 8 to be used as Gradle VM.

Command line

Run tests

gw test

Run application

gw run

What the hell is gw? It's a gradle wrapper shortcut. Add the following to your ~/.profile:

function upfind() {
  while [ "$dir" != "/" ]; do
    p=`find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -name $1`
    if [ ! -z $p ]; then
      echo "$p"
    dir=`dirname "$dir"`

function gw() {
  GW="$(upfind gradlew)"
  if [ -z "$GW" ]; then
    echo "Gradle wrapper not found."
    $GW $@