BookQA: Character-based Book Question Answering

This repo holds the BookQA dataset described in the paper:

Book QA: Stories of Challenges and Opportunities
Stefanos Angelidis, Lea Frermann, Diego Marcheggiani, Roi Blanco and Lluís Màrquez
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering (2019)

Obtaining the data

You can download our character-based QA data using this google drive url.

You can find the original book texts from DeepMind's NarrativeQA repo.

Dataset description

Using the NarrativeQA corpus as a starting point, we have constructed a classification-style dataset of 3,427 question-answer pairs, spanning 614 books. All questions expect a character from the corresponding book as the answer. Thus, the QA task is reduced to a prediction over a book-specific, pre-defined set of characters. For more information about our dataset, please refer to our paper.

Files and data formats

The public dataset is split in 3 files:

  • characters.json
    Holds a mapping from character IDs to aliases used in the book text to refer to this character. It is formatted as follows:
  <book-id#1>: [
    {"id": <character-id#1>,
     "aliases": [list-of-aliases]},
    {"id": <character-id#2>,
     "aliases": [list-of-aliases]},
  • who_questions.json Holds the questions (question IDs) and answers (character IDs). The question IDs refer to the index (0-indexed) of the question in the original NarrativeQA qaps.csv file. It is formatted as follows:
  <book-id#1>: [
    {"question_id": <question-id#1>,
     "answers": [list-of-character-ids]},
    {"question_id": <question-id#2>,
     "answers": [list-of-character-ids]},
  • artificial_questions.json
    Holds the artificial questions we used to pre-train our memory network. The format is as follows:
 <book-id#1>: [
   {"question_id": <artif-question-id#1>,
    "question": <the-artificial-question-text>,
    "answer": <character-id>,
    "answer-text": <the-artificial-answer-text>,
    "source": <the-sentence-we-obtained-the-question-from>},
   {"question_id": <artif-question-id#2>,
    "question": <the-artificial-question-text>,
    "answer": <character-id>,
    "answer-text": <the-artificial-answer-text>,
    "source": <the-sentence-we-obtained-the-question-from>},