
bottom-terminal like intellij idea and full-terminal for multi windows.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


I want a terminal work fine on win,and act as some IDE side menu. the same time ,i want run some commands in a full screen window,and i can fast access to it,so i made this.


  1. git-bash: "c:/Users/$your_name/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d"
git clone https://github.com/stanhe/pop-eshell.git
  1. add below code in your init.el
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/pop-eshell")
(require 'pop-eshell-mode)
(setq pop-find-parent-directory '(".git" "gradlew")) ;; parent directory should have .git or gradlew file
(pop-eshell-mode 1)


key fuction
C-c C-e C-e eshell-pop-toggle
C-c C-e C-f fast-eshell-pop


  • single window
bottom-side full-screen
  • multi windows