
Stream / Pipe files to Amazon S3

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Perform multipart upload to Amazon S3 or any compatible storage of data read from stdin.
Use config from s3cmd (by default - $HOME/.s3cfg).
Need some python libraries (see import lines in source).
Licensed in Public Domain.

Example: tar -C / -cpjO /home | stdin2s3 -c /path/s3cfg s3://bucket/backup.tar.bz2

usage: stdin2s3 [-c config] target

positional arguments:
  target       s3://bucket/object

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -c CONFPATH  path to the config file.
  -q, --quiet   quiet output
  -s, --silent  no output at all