
42cursus -> get_next_line.

Primary LanguageC


Reading a line on a fd is way too tedious.

Linted according to the norminette v3.3.51 rules.

GNL versions


The first version of GNL, score: 125.


A refinment of the GNL v1. Tested with gnlTester. Used in the libftx project.


The result of getline analysis. Resulting in the following functions suitable for the libftx:

  • ssize_t ft_getline(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream);

  • ssize_t ft_getdelim(char ** lineptr, size_t *n, int delim, FILE *stream);

"Yes" answers why to embed the aforementioned functions:

  1. the ordinary get_next_line returns NULL both when the end of stream is reached and if an error occured - this is misleading, therefore error-prone;

  2. the return/status code is a good way to take: either a nonnegative number of bytes consumed or a negative error code - this strategy is cleaner than one immanent to the classic get-next-line contract.
