
Web 3.0 application for sending Ethereum to Ropsten Test Network

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

This project is a web based project that implement Web 3.0 concept by using *Smartcontracts, **Solidity, **Blockchain Technology, etc. The main feature of this web application is to send *Ethereum to other people by their wallet address.

Technology Used

  • ReactJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Context API
  • Smartcontracts
  • Solidity
  • Hardhat
  • Alchemy
  • Metamask

How To Clone

  1. Clone this repository by running git clone https://github.com/stanleyclaudius/ether-send.git command on terminal.
  2. Run npm install command on client folder, smart_contract folder, and also the root folder of the project.
  3. At smart_contract folder. simply create a .env file and paste the content from .env.example file on the smart_contract folder. After that, fill the ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY value with your wallet (in this project, the wallet being used is Metamask) private key.
  4. At the root folder of the project, simply create a .env file and paste the content from .env.example file on the root folder of the project. After that, fill the PORT value with your chosen server port (e.g. 5000).
  5. Run npm run dev command on the root folder of the project to start spinning up the project.

Closing Word

Thank you for visiting my repository, if you found some bug on this web application, just simply post an issue in this repository. This repository is created to learn Web 3.0 technology and inspired by Javascript Mastery youtube channel instructor.