
Freematics OBD-II UART Adapter V2.1 CANNOT Initialize!

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Hi, I spent over a month waiting for this item to arrive at my doorstep due to constant package delays. I am now extremely frustrated because I cannot get the OBD reader to initialize. I have double-checked all the connections and am trying to debug the reader and why obd.init() keeps failing. I am using a slightly modified version of the obd_uart_test, which just replaces the Serial outputs with screen output. Everything appears fine until the commands 0100, 010C, and 0902 are sent. Those return UNABLE TO CONNECT. Mems afterwords still returns Yes. From there on, I am stuck in a loop, waiting for the reader to initialize. I'm kinda lost here, so any and all help would be welcome. Thanks!

  for (;;) {
    byte version = obd.begin();
    tft.print("Freematics OBD-II Adapter ");
    if (version > 0) {
      tft.print("OBD firmware version ");
      tft.print(version / 10);
      tft.println(version % 10);
    } else {
      tft.println("not detected");

  hasMEMS = obd.memsInit();
  tft.println(hasMEMS ? "Yes" : "No");

  do {
  } while (!obd.init());
  tft.println("OBD connected!");

It's because the code hasn't been updated in years. I've never gotten it to work and just use Tunerview.

@mitchschaft Thank you for the timely reply! Could you link me to that library?
Edit: Found out that that's an app for Android. I need a library that will work with Arduino :D

@ALEEF02 According to the displayed messages your adapter itself works so far but it can't communicate with the car.
Which protocol does your car use?
If you're using ISO9141-2 over K-Line it will never work, as I already wrote in the other thread you mentioned me.

@firepower2k11 My car uses the SAE J1850 VPW protocol, which I learned in an email thread with @stanleyhuangyc. Since then he has stopped replying to said emails. I was at first wondering if I could get a refund, at which he stopped replying. Now I am wondering if there is a hardware or software modification that can be made to the adapter so that it can use the SAE J1850 VPW protocol. I tried modifying the library by adding PROTO_SAE_VPW = 2 to the OBD_PROTOCOLS list, but that did not help. If you have any ideas for this, that would be wonderful. Thanks :D