
Welcome to Lite Neovim Distro, a minimalist Neovim distribution designed to provide a blazing fast, and lightweight Neovim setup in just a few seconds.

Primary LanguageLua

Lite Neovim Distro (Suitable for MacOS Users)

Welcome to Lite Neovim Distro, a minimalist Neovim distribution designed to provide a blazing fast, and lightweight Neovim setup in just a few seconds. This guide will walk you through the installation process and highlight the features included.

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Important note! This distro has been thoroughly tested on both MacOS and Linux (Debian) systems But It works best on MacOS

Features / Plugins

Key Notes:

  • The <leader> is the space key.
  • This distro comes with only the NodeJs Debugger. I'm not a Debugger guy :)
  • I have configured only for the following; Find Tweak the config from the Adapter's section
    • Javascript/Typescript: Tested
    • Testing with Jest (Assumes you have Jest installed on your local project): Tested
    • React Vite: Tested
    • React NextJs: Not-Tested
  • So if you need a debugger for any other programming language you will need to configure it yourself

Requirements / Prerequisites

At least ensure you have all listed packages in any version, but if you face any issues have my exact versions or higher!

  1. Operating System: MacOS or Linux (Debian).
  2. Have brew package manager for MacOS.
    • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  3. Install Any Nerd Font, and Set it up for your terminal. (Important Guide to setup and install)
  4. For terminal choice, use Iterm or Terminator For MacOS, use Terminator for Linux (Debian).
  5. Install rg/ripgrep in any version. (Important Guide to setup and install)
  6. Install fd in any version. (Important Guide to setup and install)
  7. Install neovim in version 0.9.5 or higher. (Important Guide to setup and install)
  8. Install lua in version 5.4.6 or higher.
    • MacOS
      brew install lua
    • Linux (Debian)
      sudo apt update && sudo apt install lua5.4 -y
  9. Install node version 21.6.2 or higher and npm version 10.4.0 or higher.
  10. Install typescript version 5.3.3 or higher and ts-node version v10.9.2 or higher.
  11. Install yarn version 1.22.21 or higher.
  12. Install git any version will do.
  13. Optionally have the Google Chrome if you wish to be debugging in Web Mode

Usage (For both Linux and macOS)

Find installation process here here