WHSR is a portable script that replaces the Device Connect and Device Disconnect system sounds on Windows 10 with Death Grips' vocal chants YUH and AHH. It is a perfect tool to prank your friends as the WHSR folder can sit on your USB flash drive and requires only a few seconds of distraction. The script was expanded to also replace Windows Notify System Generic, Windows Background, and Windows Recycle sounds.
See script in action: YouTube link
- Elevate permissions to Administrator
- Unblock .wav files
- Copy .wav files to C:/Windows/Media
- Set new sounds through registry edit
- Elevate permissions to Administrator
- Set default sounds through registry edit
- Remove .wav files from C:/Windows/Media
To use custom sounds, replace the .wav files in the root folder with your own files. As long as you keep the name and format identical, the script will use corresponding sounds.