STAT 545A Participation Repository


This GitHub repository is for all in-class activities done by Stanley Nam for STAT 545A. Through STAT 545A, students are expected to learn how to explore, analyze, and visualize data using R. You may want to check the syllabus for more information.

You will find class activities by each week. This repository is organized so that each weeks participatory submissions can easily be found in each folder under the name of week(s)_x (x being a number).

I have also provided links by topic as shown below. They will guide you to see the .r or .rmd files directly.

Links to the participation

Topic Link
Navigating Github and basic markdown language link
Basic R operators link
Tibble Exploration and basic RMarkdown link1 link2
Exploring Geometric Objects link
dplyr Exercise link
Practice with dplyr link
Exercises: Fix the Plots link
tidy data link
Tibble Joins link
readxl and here::here() link
Factors link
Visualizations workshop link
The Model-Fitting Paradigm in R and the broom package link