v1.0 profile/public widget for sharetronix microsocial platform licensed under the MIT license.
Author: Stan nesi (stannesi@yahoo.com) Website: http://twitter.com/stannesi, http://facebook.com/stannesi
To configure this widget to work on your sharetronix microsocial website, you have to unzip the file: shr-ypshr-widget.zip
Inside it contains a folder call and an HTML file calle <widget-test.html> and this README.txt file
place the unzipped files on your domain host -> e.g. www.domain.com/widgets/
The open the folder and locate sub-folder called where all then javascript (.js) source code is located.
Open the js file: <ypshr-shrtx-pp-widget-1.0.js> with your text editor...so you know i used #Dreamweaver to develop this widget...but any cool widget will do.. but its preferable to use a text-editor that has line-code numberings... so you can easily jump to any line code number..
With your text-editor jump to line #228 where you have a comment ***** EDITABBLE AREA *****
edit then following strings to suit your need.
insert your domain host name here withotut the "http://" and with out and ending slash "/" yooksv.link.domain = "domain.com";
e.g. if your domain is http://mysocial.com yooksv.link.domain = mysocial.com";
NOTE: make sure your widgets are directly in the folder you specific for example if this widget is located in < http://mysocial.com/social/widgets"
yooksv.link.domain = mysocial.com/Social";
Insert the location director of where you unzipped your widget the full url link of the widget is required... including the "http//" e.g. yooksv.link.widget = "http://mysocial.com/social"; OR yooksv.link.widget = http + "mysocial.com/social";
All they have to do is embed a little javascript code that links to the widget .js source and a little widget code containing the settings, features and themes for their widget and place it on any of their site and viola!!
a link to the widget engine javascript file called: "ypshr-shrtx-pp-widget-1.0.js" e.g.
<script src="http://mysocial/com/widgets/js/ypshr-shrtx-pp-widget-1.0.js" type="text/javascript"></script>and insert the widget code
<script> new YPSHR.Widget({ version: 1, type: 'public', <-- type of widget 'public'or 'profile' title: 'stannesi is testing...', <-- title header subject: 'Sharetronix Public', <-- subject header rpp: 20, <-- 20 posts per �call interval: 1000, <-- time interval in miliseconds width: 250, <-- width of widget on page height: 350, <-- height of widget on page features: { scrollbar: false, <-- enable scrollbar (true/false) fullscreen: false, <-- enbale fullscreen (true/false) loop: true, <-- loop posts live: true, hashtags: true, <-- hastags timestamp: true, <-- show timestamps avatars: true, <-- show users avatars dateformat: 'absolute', <-- date & time format (absolure/relative) behavior: 'preloaded', <-- behavior (default/all/preloaded) } }).render().start(); <-- render().start() must be inserted for profile widget .setUser('username') must be used before the start e.g. render().setUser('username').start() </script>See HTML file: <widget-test.html> for reference.
I hope you hav fun using my widget. fell free to send following me on twitter - (@Stannesi), add me on facebook and send me mails if you have any questions and wanna contribute to this project or any future projects....
Thank you. God bless you!!
Twitter - http://twitter.com/stannesi Facebook - http://facebook.com/stannesi blog - http://stannesi.blogspot.com