
Front-end microservice for Upword.ly

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚀 UPWORD.LY Front-End Microservice 🚀

Build Status

This app runs a Next.js front-end microservice that communicates with Upword.ly's backend server allowing stenographers to create accounts, view, edit, and modify their transcriptions, and their consumers to view and edit them, as well.

To get started you will need Docker, Node 10+, and npm. Your deployment server will need latest version of npm and pm2 installed.


npm run build

Bundles and builds then Next.js app.

npm run test

Runs tests on front-end components.

npm run dev

Runs the dev environment.

npm start

Runs Upword.ly

npm run pm2dev

Runs Upword.ly as a pm2 process in dev mode.

npm run pm2prod

Runs Upword.ly as a pm2 process in production mode.