This is a demo of Sentry 2 integrated with Laravel 4 and Bootstrap 3.0.
Version 2.0 has been completely revamped using strategies suggested in Laravel: From Apprentice to Artisan by Taylor Otwell, Implementing Laravel by Chris Fidao and the Laracast videos. Version 1.0 still exists in its original version.
Before you begin, make sure you have both git
and composer
installed on your system.
- Clone the repo
- Run
php composer.phar update
- Set up your datbase configuration in
- Edit
to work with your mail setup. - Run the migrations:
php artisan migrate
- Seed the Database:
php artisan db:seed
The seeds in this repo will create two groups and two user accounts.
- Users
- Admins
- Password: sentryuser
- Password: sentryadmin
- Sentry 2.0 Documentation
- Laravel 4 Documentation
- Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan by Taylor Otwell
- Implementing Laravel by Chris Fidao
- Laracasts
- Make sure you've run
composer update
. - cd to the L4withSentry project root directory.
- Execute
to run tests orphpunit --coverage-text
to see text based code coverage summary. - If you're interested in more dynamic code coverage, check out the instructions.
- Tests are currently very limited.
======= The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license