
I have updated version here ->

Primary LanguageJava


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made using Java 8.

This is a File and List Manager with search features:

Does: Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, New Folder,...

Search: file finder by Name, Dates, or Sizes. MinDepth, MaxDepth.

You can Open, Edit, Copy filename, save list to a file.

Alt-Left, Alt-Right in Starting Folder: cycles thru previous search paths

has Bookmarks

  • Works with Lists of Strings, which can be filenames. Lets you save file lists to a "List Window" or a File. You can add or subtract 1 list window to/from another. Save the list window. Read in a list to a window (adds items to existing list).

  • has pretty good search ability.

search automatically prepends your starting Folder to your search pattern
so if you are in a sub-folder it will only search there and below !   watch for this if you do not find what you think.

glob: *whatever*.{java,groovy}     find file containing whatever and ending in .java or .groovy

glob: **whatever*.{java,groovy}     find file containing whatever and ending in .java or .groovy in any sub-folder level.

regex: .*mod.*[.](java|groovy)      find file containing whatever and ending in .java or .groovy in any sub-folder level. note [.] as \. does not work.

changing "What counts for a Match" to "Folder Only"

regex: .*src/.*                     find folder any level below

glob:  *src/*                       find src folder at this level.

glob:  **src/*                      find src folder any level with one sub-folder like ...../src/com

glob:  **src/**                     find src folder any level with any sub-folders like ...../src......

glob:  */*/whatever                 find whatever folder at 3rd level below starting folder

Escape: closes windows

Shift-Escape: close main window

jfileprocess-1 4 9

jfileprocess-1 4 9-search

  • "Open Folder Containing Files" or "Open Terminal here"

For each file you have selected, it will open a new window or a terminal for the parent path of each. If nothing is selected it uses the "Folder:" you are in.

  • Install-Folder/ groovy or menu-scripts

groovy: folder for groovy scripts. menu-scripts: special groovy scripts folder. Place scripts in here to make them show up in the right-click "Scripts" menu. This is a short cut. It will run the script without a code window on the files you have selected. Most of the groovy scripts I include as examples write to the same file system-temp-folder/NewFile.txt so be sure to modify as needed. You can output to a window or a file as you want to.

Here is an example groovy code file:

package com.towianski.testutils;

class Test {

 static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println( "entered Test.main()");
//        def test = new Test();

        // we are going to write output to this file !
        def outFile = new File( "/tmp/NewFile.txt" );
        outFile.write "";

        com.towianski.jfileprocessor.CodeProcessorPanel codeProcessorPanel = binding.getVariable( "codeProcessorPanel" );
        def defaultComboBoxModel = binding.getVariable( "defaultComboBoxModel" );
        System.out.println( "got codeProcessorPanel.jFileFinderWin.getStartingFolder() =" + codeProcessorPanel.jFileFinderWin.getStartingFolder() + "=" );

        System.out.println( "selected item =" + codeProcessorPanel.listOfLists.getSelectedItem() + "=" );
        int numItems = defaultComboBoxModel.getSize();
        System.out.println( "defaultComboBoxModel.getSize() num of items =" + numItems + "=" );
        String str = "";
        def atFile = null;
        for( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
            str = defaultComboBoxModel.getElementAt( i ).toString();
            System.out.println( "check for other list index =" + i + "   str =" + str + "=" );

            if ( 0 == 1 )  // example for list as files
    //            String fileContents = new File( str ).text
    //            outFile << fileContents;
    //            String cmd = "ls -l " + str;
                String cmd = "grep root " + str;
                def list = cmd.execute().text
                    outFile << it;
                outFile << System.getProperty("line.separator") + "-------------------------------------" + System.getProperty("line.separator");
            else    // example for list of string
                // text after last "root"
                if ( ( matcher = str =~ /.*(root)(.*)/) )
                outFile << matcher[0][1] + " - " + matcher[0][2];


//Test test = new Test();

//println test.sayHello() 
//println test.doIt() 

icons from:

http://www.iconarchive.com/show/diagram-free-icons-by-double-j-design/document-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/snowish-icons-by-saki/Folder-documents-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/small-n-flat-icons-by-paomedia/file-link-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/folder-icons-by-delacro/Folder-Blank-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/folder-icons-by-delacro/Folder-Upload-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/plump-icons-by-zerode/Search-icon.html