Client and server for the e-commerce site Crystalized Beaty
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework
- Yarn - node dependency manager
- React - Front-end framework
- MongoDB - NoSql Database
- GraphQL - Data querying and manipulation language
Crystalized Beauty requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install the dependencies and start the server.
$ git clone
$ cd crystalized-beauty
$ yarn install
$ yarn server
- Create Admin Dashboard
- User authentication (login/sign up)
- Decide on Bootstrap or Foundation
- Homepage layout
- Shopping Cart
- Checkout
- GraphQL/Apollo
- Calendly Integration
- Loading animation
- Product pages (index, show)
- AWS or GCP
- CI/CD (?)
- Write Tests
- Captcha for user creation
- Better ENV Variable Handling