iOS Assessment

iOS Assessment for ULesson


The following Technology stack was used in this project :

Swift : Programming Language

XCode : IDE

Steps To Run

1 - Do a git clone of the project :

2 - Launch XCode

3 - Run the challenge.xcodeproj file



  • The DashboardController and SubjectController UICollectionViewControllers were designed with the new Swift ConpositionalLayout Pattern. This gave the flexibility of managing multiple sections with different UICollectionViewCells, all within one UICollectionViewController.

  • UICollectionReusableViews were also used to handle supplementary views. These views were reused in both the DashboardController and SubjectController

REUSABLE COMPONENTS AND EXTENSIONS Reusable components and extensions to view classes were also created to handle easy creation of UIView Components. Classes like VideoView was also created with re-usability in mind. Also Reusable animation UIView classes were created for Viewcontroller backgrounds Also note the random SubjectCell background color and animation


  • Custom Animation utils were created and can be called any UIViewclass


  • This test covers only the Recently watched videos. And this is populated once a video is opened.
  • Persisting the Subjects, Chapters from the api request would take me a little longer to restructure and persist (Time Constraint)


  • A shorthand autholayout UIView extension was applied for most of the layouts


  • The only Libraries used was KingFisher for displaying remote images url on UIImageviews


  • The test specified using ExoPlayer for the vide, however, exoplanet of an android library. For this used AVPlayer, custom to iOS AVKit and AVFoundation
  • I had last minute issues with AVPlayer, stopped rendering video. I’ll figure that out and make another push, if required.
  • Time Constraint: I ran out of time implementing the video controls as well as UI Tests