Home Assistant Component to read SAJ H2 Inverter Modbus Data
- 8
Setup failed for custom integration 'saj_modbus': Unable to import component: No module named 'pymodbus.register_read_message'
#20 opened by jsimonic - 1
Setup failed for custom integration 'saj_modbus': Unable to import component: No module named 'pymodbus.register_read_message'
#21 opened by rpalacios-ak - 4
Insight in charging ekd-modified HS2 (Ampere.StoragePro) using Ampere.IQ (kiwigrid VoyagerX)
#18 opened by jsjhb - 1
pv1 & pv2 multipilers set wrong
#17 opened by pborsiak - 1
saj_pv2_power incorrect value
#16 opened by mrf68 - 1
Reconfigure device IP and polling interval
#10 opened by rpalacios-ak - 3
Unable to see grid import real-time
#14 opened by tims04 - 1
Feature "Loading from Grid"
#12 opened by UDicke - 1
Read external sensors
#15 opened by tims04 - 1
Works with SAJ H1
#9 opened by Mr-Alicates - 2
SAJ inverter temperature not available
#7 opened by mrf68 - 1
Description for all the values
#6 opened by twobeass - 2
Not available in integrations anymore?
#4 opened by Lars- - 6
Feature Request: Adding some exta registers
#1 opened by cebrox