The Reddit Conversion API Tag allows sending conversion data from server Google Tag Manager to Reddit servers.
Event Name Setup Method - select from a list of standard events, add a custom event, or choose to Inherit an event name from a client. When Inherit from client is selected, the Reddit CAPI tag will try to map events automatically into standard events or use a custom name if it’s impossible to map into a starred event.
Reddit API Key - create a Reddit account and find your API key by navigating to the Apps & API section of your account settings. This will show you all of the authorized apps and API keys associated with your account.
Account ID - Reddit account ID is the same as username.
Test Mode - indicates whether the conversion events should be processed.
Use Optimistic Scenario - The tag will call gtmOnSuccess() without waiting for a response from the API.
- Reddit click ID
- Event time
- Conversion ID
- Currency
- Items count
- Products
- Value
- Value Decimal
- IP Adress
- External ID
- Idfa
- Aaid
- Opt-out
- User agent
- Screen dimensions
Reddit Tag for GTM Server Side is developing and maintained by Stape Team under the Apache 2.0 license.