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- Challenge yourself to focus on the task at hand for 15 minutes!
- This SwiftUI application displays a 15-minute countdown timer in the macOS menu bar.
- The user can reset the timer to 15 minutes by clicking "Another round of uninterrupted time!" or quit the app using the "Quit" button.
import SwiftUI
// TimerViewModel is an ObservableObject that handles the timer logic and updates the current time displayed in the menu bar.
class TimerViewModel: ObservableObject {
// currentTime is a published variable that stores the current time as a string, initially set to "15:00".
@Published var currentTime: String = "15:00"
// remainingTime is a private variable that stores the remaining time in seconds.
private var remainingTime: TimeInterval = 15 * 60
// timer is a private optional Timer variable that will be used to schedule and manage the timer.
private var timer: Timer? = nil
// The init method starts the timer when TimerViewModel is initialized.
init() {
// The startTimer method invalidates any existing timer, creates a new timer, and schedules it to update the remainingTime.
private func startTimer() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true) { _ in
if self.remainingTime > 0 {
self.remainingTime -= 1
self.currentTime = self.formatTime(self.remainingTime)
} else {
// The formatTime method formats the given time interval into a string in the "mm:ss" format.
private func formatTime(_ time: TimeInterval) -> String {
let minutes = Int(time) / 60 % 60
let seconds = Int(time) % 60
return String(format: "%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds)
// The resetTimer method resets the remainingTime to 15 minutes and 1 second and starts the timer.
func resetTimer() {
remainingTime = 15 * 60 + 1
// The main App struct creates a timerViewModel and displays the timer in the menu bar with action buttons.
struct ui_timeApp: App {
// timerViewModel is a StateObject that will manage the timer logic and display the current time.
@StateObject private var timerViewModel = TimerViewModel()
// body defines the app scene that includes a menu bar with the current time, a reset button, and a quit button.
var body: some Scene {
MenuBarExtra(timerViewModel.currentTime) {
// Reset button with a keyboard shortcut "r" to reset the timer.
Button("Another round of uninterrupted time!") {
// Divider to separate the reset button from the quit button.
// Quit button with a keyboard shortcut "q" to quit the app.
Button("Quit") {
- Align the timer text
using the separator:
- Sync the timer to the system time.
- Make an app icon.