
StETofCalibMaker seg fault

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It appears that several nightly test jobs, many for 2019 data, failed last night after the merging of PR #160 , in StEtofCalibMaker:

StETofCalibMaker:INFO  - change in reset TS: 0 --> 1484703964736
StETofCalibMaker:FATAL - TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals : segmentation violation
Function bfc() busy flag cleared

Look for example at:


The test DAQ file is on /star/rcf/test/daq


Hi, all

Nightly tests worked both of the past two nights after this issue #181 was fixed. As discussed at Wednesday's S&C meeting, I'm not intending to wait for the resolution of open issue #185 before freezing and building SL21d (though I'd be happy to have seen that happen, and I would also prefer the issue be understood before we begin a production). So I think we're ready to tag our initial SL21d with what is in the current main branches of star-sw and star-mcgen. @plexoos , will you take care of the tagging?


Just to be clear, in case other commits come through that we don't want to include in SL21d, I think the hash for the current state of "main" in star-sw is b91e0fd

I can certainly tag a new release but what about the currently open pull requests #186 #187 #188 #189 and #191?

I think these are not mandated for the production library SL21d. Gene can correct me. They are likely to be used for fast offline later on after they merge into the main.

I created SL21d branch and propose to update the CHANGELOG in #192
Please have a look and let me know if any comments