rna-seq analysis for multiple organs at differrent timepoint for sepsis mouse

multiorgans_time_for_sepsis --- PRJEB20791, specialized for liver during distinct time, including 6h, 12h and 24h, without starting time,


220719gse179554.R --- specialized for liver during distinct time, including 6h, 12h with sham group, ERK1/2 Inhibition by the SCH772984 Compound Attenuates In Vitro and In Vivo Inflammatory Responses and Prolongs Survival in Murine Sepsis Models

220724gse179554.R --- specialized for liver during distinct time, including 6h, 12h with sham group, ERK1/2 Inhibition by the SCH772984 Compound Attenuates In Vitro and In Vivo Inflammatory Responses and Prolongs Survival in Murine Sepsis Models