
A golang driver for the arango database I'm working on

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0



I'm not a go developer and wanted to use arango for a project on my own. I decided to write my own driver for using Arango via its REST API. I did take a look at https://github.com/diegogub/aranGO but I decided that I wanted to write my own to do more go programming.


Run go get github.com/starJammer/arango


  • Connect to the database arango server and get info about the current database
  • Switch databases
  • Create, drop edge and document collections
  • Save, Update, Replace, Delete documents
  • Save, Update, Replace, Delete edges
  • Retrieve document via id only, NO searching by example or AQL queries yet.
  • Retrieve documents via simple by example queries

Upcoming Features


I'll add more usage notes about different ways to do things.


import ar "github.com/starJammer/arango"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    //will connect to the _system database by default
    db, err := ar.Conn( "http://localhost:8529" )

    if err != nil {
        //Any errors returned are of the type ArangoError
        aerr, ok := err.(ar.ArangoError)
        if !ok {
            fmt.Println( "Should not get here since if there is an error, its type should be ar.ArangoError" )
        //See errors.go for more info on the ArangoError type
            "Something went wrong bro....check arango and make sure it's up.\n" + 
            "HTTP CODE : %d\n" + 
            "Arango Err Number : %d\n" + 
            "IsError : %v\n" + 
            "ErrorMessage : %s\n",

    //You can also use the following two versions
    db, err := ar.ConnDb( "http://localhost:8529", "database_name" )

    //Use this in case you enabled users/passwords
    db, err := ar.ConnDbUserPassword( "http://localhost:8529", "database_name", "username", "password" )

    //You can also include the user/password in the host address like this
    db, err := ar.Conn( "http://username:password@localhost:8529" )

    //You can also use HTTPS
    ar.AllowBadSslCerts = true //set this to true if your development certs are not "official looking"
    db, err := ar.Conn( "https://username:password@localhost:8529" )

    //switch to a databes you want to use if you didn't specify the database name when connecting
    db.UseDatabase( "another_database" )

    c, err := db.CreateDocumentCollection( "things" )

    //OR you can do the following for an edge collection
    c, err := db.CreateEdgeCollection( "things" )

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println( "Things broke again bro, you're failing. I swear it's not my code!")

    type TestDocument struct {
        ar.DocumentImplementation //embed this if you want to get easy access to the Id, Key, and Rev of the documents you save

        MyField string  //Will be save in the database as "MyField" : "value"
        MyField2 bool `json:"my_field"` //Will be saved as "my_field" : "value"

    var testDoc TestDocument
    var testDoc2 = new(TestDocument)

    testDoc.MyField = "some string"
    testDoc.MyField2 = true //just cuz

    //Must pass in a pointer to the document
    err = c.Save( &testDoc )
    err = c.Save( testDoc2 )

    if err != nil {
        //it should be fine though

    //Info about the document from arango
    fmt.Println( testDoc.Id() )
    fmt.Println( testDoc.Key() )
    fmt.Println( testDoc.Rev() )

    testDoc.MyField = "Updating to some other value"

    //notice we pass in the id first and then a pointer to the document
    c.Update( testDoc.Id(), &testDoc )
    //the revision will change since we updated it
    fmt.Println( testDoc.Rev() )

    //Searching by example will return a cursor
    cur, err := db.ByExampleQuery( &ByExampleQuery{
        Collection : d.Name(),
        BatchSize : 5, //if it is 0 then it is ignored and the arango server calculates this automatically
        Limit : 5, //if 0 then it is ignored.
        Skip : 5, //if 0 then it is ignored
        Example : &struct{ MyField string }{ MyField : "some string"},

    //OR you can simply call ByExample on the collection
    cur, err := d.ByExample( &struct{ MyField string }{ MyField : "some string"} )

    //OR call ByExampleQuery on the collection for more control like in the above call to the Database type
    cur, err := d.ByExampleQuery(&ByExampleQuery{
        BatchSize : 5,
        Limite : 5,
        Skip : 5,
        Example : &struct{ MyField string }{ MyField : "some string"},
        //Collection : "name" //No need for this. The collection will do it automatically

    //Using a nil query will fetch everything in the collection
    cur, err := d.ByExampleQuery( nil )

    var fetchDoc = new(TestDocument)

    //Iterate over the results
    for cur.HasNext() {
        err = cur.Next( fetchDoc )
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Println( "Another unexpected error.")
        //fetchDoc is now populated with one of the resulting documents from arango.
        //do what you want with it here.