
Unofficial fitbit php oauth2 client library

Primary LanguagePHP

Unofficial Fitbit Client Library for PHP using OAuth2

Wholesale borrows large portions of djchen/OAuth2-Fitbit (minor change to error checking and scope handling) and pavelrisenberg/fitbitphp.

Sets a fitbit-php-oauth2-state cookie during auth flow to prevent CSRF attacks. A session must be started beforehand.

Not guaranteed to work under any circumstances, but it's nice when it does.


To install, use composer:

composer require brulath/fitbit-php-oauth2



I'm lazy, so I've made this library automatically refresh oauth details whenever they've expired mid-call. That means after any call the oauth token may have changed, which you will need to check for (and save the new token). I figure it's probably easier to check for changed tokens than catching token expiration exceptions and handling those. Soz brah.

Magic token acquisition

try {
    $fitbit = new brulath\fitbit\FitbitPHPOAuth2(
        ['activity', 'heartrate', 'location', 'nutrition', 'profile', 'settings', 'sleep', 'social', 'weight'], // desired scopes
        true  // produce some debugging output in error_log
    // A session is required to prevent CSRF
    $access_token = $fitbit->getToken();  // will redirect user to fitbit. the cookie it sets must survive.
} catch (\Exception $e) {

Restoring access

try {
    $fitbit = new brulath\fitbit\FitbitPHPOAuth2(
        ['activity', 'heartrate', 'location', 'nutrition', 'profile', 'settings', 'sleep', 'social', 'weight'], // desired scopes
        true  // produce some debugging output in error_log
    // If token has expired, the first request you make will additionally make a refresh request
} catch (\Exception $e) {

Making a request

Inspect the FitbitPHPOAuth2 class to find the appropriate method. In this case, I want all activities on a date:

try {
    $fitbit = new brulath\fitbit\FitbitPHPOAuth2(
        ['activity', 'heartrate', 'location', 'nutrition', 'profile', 'settings', 'sleep', 'social', 'weight'], // desired scopes
        true  // produce some debugging output in error_log
    $activities = $fitbit->getActivities('2016-02-20');
} catch (\Exception $e) {


The MIT License (MIT).