
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Do whatever this doc says to get started.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Install golang. Go lang 1.8 was used at the time of writing this README.

  3. Install postgresql. You can install either with brew install postgresql@9.6 or go here.

  4. Setup the db

# create a db for yourself
createdb `whoami`
# connect to postgresql on local

-- drop the public schema in YOUR database
drop schema public cascade;
-- recreate the public schema in YOUR database
create schema public;

-- create the new user with the given password
create role "todouser" login password 'password00' superuser inherit createdb nocreaterole noreplication;

-- create the db
create database "todo" with encoding='UTF8' owner="todouser" connection limit=-1;

-- quit psql program
  1. Install a few tools for go that will help during development
# Cobra, necessary for adding commands
go get -v github.com/spf13/cobra/cobra

# used for managing dependencies for go and getting them into the vendor directory
go get -u -d github.com/mattes/migrate/cli
# If you don't have $GOPATH set then use /usr/local/bin/migrate instead
go build -tags 'postgres' -o $GOPATH/bin/migrate github.com/mattes/migrate/cli

go get -u -t github.com/vattle/sqlboiler
go get github.com/jackc/pgx
go get -u github.com/govend/govend

  1. Create config files for your machine by copying and editing the example files.
cp mytodo-example.yaml mytodo.yaml
cp sqlboiler.example.yaml sqlboiler.yaml
  1. Run database migrations
migrate -path migrations -database "postgres://todouser@localhost:5432/todo?sslmode=disable&password=password00" up

Typical things you'll do

Create a new migration file

go run main.go migrations new -n "name_of_migration"

Run migrations

# update to the latest
migrate -path migrations -database "postgres://todouser@localhost:5432/todo?sslmode=disable&password=password00" up

# undo the last migration
migrate -path migrations -database "postgres://todouser@localhost:5432/todo?sslmode=disable&password=password00" down

# drop all migrations
migrate -path migrations -database "postgres://todouser@localhost:5432/todo?sslmode=disable&password=password00" drop

Update vendor directory


Run SQLBoiler to generate models

# Never edit anything in the models folder
sqlboiler postgres

Add a new cobra command

cobra add [command]
cobra add [command] -p [parent_command]