MTS @oracle | Ex - @dunzoit | Ex-Coordinator, App Development wing @GeekHaven | IIIT Allahabad
OracleIndian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
starboi02's Following
- 1RayquazaIndian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
- aarpit1010Couture AI
- akshatagarwl
- anujpandey03Delhi
- Capt-TitaniumBengaluru, Karnataka
- cyber-venom003Solving Data @headout
- GhostFoxSledgehammerSynaptic
- harchani-ritikBlinkit (formerly Grofers)
- JLodhaWalmart Global Tech
- pranavkannan33
- priyanshu0405
- Raghav-Dhir@anarock
- sarthakm21Allahabad
- sggts04Sprinklr
- shiv07tiwari@Instawork
- siddhantdrkIndian Institute of Information Technology
- SohamB-2001Faridabad, India
- therealansh@headout
- thesmallstarRazorpay
- VarunT11Oracle