
The source of Zespre's blog

Primary LanguageHTML

Zespre's Blog

build and publish workflow release

The source of https://blog.zespre.com/.


If you would like to build the source or spin up a Hugo server, please make sure to init and update the theme submodule first:

git submodule update --init --recursive

After the changes have been made, run the following command to build a container image and push to the remote:

# Please make sure you have already logged in to the remote registry
make docker-buildx IMG=<REPO>/blog:<TAG>


Each commit pushed to the main branch will trigger the staging deployment rollout on Cloudflare Pages. Production deployment rollout based on the release branch only happens when a tag is pushed.

  • Staging: main branch
  • Production: release branch

How to Contribute

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Checkout a new branch from the main branch for the new post PR
  3. Put your new post under content/posts/ with its own directory
  4. Ensure there's no syntax or stylish erorrs by running make lint
  5. (Optional) Spin up a local server to see the rendered output using a browser by running make run
  6. Commit the changes and push to the remote
  7. Create a new PR targeted the main branch

Rollout to Production

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Checkout to the release branch (to ensure the branch is up-to-date please run git pull --rebase)
  3. Checkout a new branch for the release PR
  4. Cherry-pick the commits on the main branch
  5. Bump the .params.version field in config/_default/hugo.yaml with a new version
  6. Commit the changes and push to the remote
  7. Create a new PR targeted the release branch
  8. Release a new version by creating a new tag on the release branch

Note: we only tag versions on the release branch.