Calmspace is a replica of Talkspace, an online therapy platform that allows users access to licensed therapist anywhere without many of the barriers of traditional therapy including high costs and inconvenient access.
* Users over the age of 13 can create a new account, login and logout
* Visitors can sign in as demo therapists and user
* Users fill out an onboarding questionaire where they select their gender preference for their therapist and any specific topics they want to cover
* Users receive a list of three therapists based on the selection provided and therapists available.
* Users can select their designated therapist
* Users and Therapists can chat with each other in a private chatroom
* Therapists have access to a dashboard with information on their current patients
* Therapists can create and edit notes on their patients
- Action Cable: used to integrate WebSockets to allow for real-time chat messaging between therapists and patients
- React Quill Toolbar: used to add rich text editing to notes