
Best Free Resources to learn Web3 Development

A Complete Full Stack Web3 Developer Roadmap

An opinionated learning path for getting into Web3 development. This is a work in progress, please open an issue or send a pull request to help improving it.

In order to start with Web3, you must need to know about the Web2 Technologies.

  1. HTML

    • HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners by Traversy Media 👉🏻 Click here
    • HTML Crash Course for Absolute Beginners by Clever Programmer 👉🏻 Click here.
  2. CSS

    • CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners by Traversy Media 👉🏻 Click here
    • CSS Crash Course for Absolute Beginners by Clever Programmer 👉🏻 Click here.
  3. JavaScript

    • JavaScript Crash Course For Absolute Beginners by Traversy Media 👉🏻 Click here
    • JavaScript Tutorials for Beginners by Clever Programmer 👉🏻 Click here.
    • Namaste Javascript Series by Akshay Saini 👉🏻 Click here.

After Learning the basics of HTMl, CSS and JavaScript. Build some projects using the above technologies.

Some Beginner Project Ideas:

  • Random Quote Generator
  • JavaScript Form Validation
  • Movie App

Learn Any Frontend Framework

  1. React

    • React Course For Beginners by Javascript Mastery 👉🏻 Click here
    • React Course For Absolute Beginners by Clever Programmer 👉🏻 Click here
  2. Vue

    • Vue Crash Course For Beginners by Traversy Media 👉🏻 Click here

Learn any CSS framework

  • TailwindCSS (TailwindCSS crash course by Codedamn 👉🏻 Click here )
  • Bootstrap (Bootstrap crash course by Traversy Media 👉🏻 Click here )
  • Material UI (Material UI crash course by JavaScript Mastery 👉🏻 Click here )

Learn about REST API and JSON APIs

Learn Blockchain Basics

Learn Solidity

  • Solidity Course For Beginners by FreeCodeCamp 👉🏻 Click here
  • Solidity Tutorial with Project by Travis Media 👉🏻 Click here.
  • Solidity Full Course by Code Eater(Hindi) 👉🏻 Click here

Learn Hardat / truffle

  1. Hardhat 👉🏻 Click here
  2. Truffle 👉🏻 Click here

After learning the basics of Ethereum, Solidity and Truffle. Build some Smart Contrcts using the above technologies.

Some Smart Contract Ideas:

  • Voting App
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Lending Platform
  • Crypto Bank

Learn About Web3 Storage

  1. IPFS 👉🏻 Click here
  2. Filecoin 👉🏻 Click here

Learn Web3.js / Ether.js ( interact with frontend )

  1. Web3.js

    • Web3.js full course by Code Eater (Hindi) 👉🏻 Click here
    • Web3.js tutorial by EatTheBlocks 👉🏻 Click here
  2. Ether.js

    • Master Ethers.js for Blockchain Step-by-Step by Dapp University 👉🏻 Click here
    • Introduction to Ethers.js by EatTheBlocks 👉🏻 Click here

Now You are a Full Stack Web3 Developer. Start Building Dapps, showcase your skills and get hired.


Contributions are always welcome! but make sure to use Proper Formatting and try to add new Resources.

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!


Twitter: @Saurabh

LinkedIn: @Saurabh

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.