
Automate MongoDB backups using Kubernetes CronJobs and MinIO, providing a cloud-agnostic, efficient solution for database dumps.

Primary LanguageShell

MongoDB Backup Kubernetes CronJob

This repository contains a Dockerfile and script to perform a daily MongoDB dump and upload the result to an S3 or MinIO storage endpoint. It is designed to run as a Kubernetes CronJob using the image thegalah/k8s-mongodump-s3:1.0.0.


  • Perform a daily mongodump from a given MongoDB connection string
  • Customize the dump with various options, including a configurable file prefix
  • Upload the dump to either an S3 or MinIO endpoint with optional no-sign request
  • Configurable via environment variables
  • Suitable for running as a Kubernetes CronJob


Building the Docker Image

If you want to build the image yourself:

docker build -t thegalah/k8s-mongodump-s3:1.0.0 .

Running with Docker

docker run -e MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=your_connection_string -e S3_OR_MINIO_ENDPOINT=your_s3_or_minio_endpoint -e STORAGE_PATH=your_storage_path thegalah/k8s-mongodump-s3:1.0.0

Environment Variables

  • MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING: The connection string for the MongoDB instance
  • S3_OR_MINIO_ENDPOINT: The endpoint for the MinIO or S3 storage
  • STORAGE_PATH: The path where the dump should be stored
  • DUMP_PREFIX: The prefix for the dump files (Optional, defaults to "dump")
  • MONGO_USERNAME: MongoDB username (Optional)
  • MONGO_PASSWORD: MongoDB password (Optional)
  • MONGO_DATABASE: Name of the database to dump (Optional)
  • MONGO_COLLECTION: Name of the collection to dump (Optional)
  • MONGO_QUERY: Query filter in JSON format (Optional)
  • ACCESS_KEY: Access key for S3 or MinIO (Optional)
  • SECRET_KEY: Secret key for S3 or MinIO (Optional)

Running as a Kubernetes CronJob

You can create a Kubernetes CronJob to run this Docker image daily within a Kubernetes cluster. Here's an example YAML file:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: mongodb-backup-cronjob
  schedule: "0 0 * * *" # Runs daily at midnight
            - name: mongodb-backup
              image: thegalah/k8s-mongodump-s3:1.0.0
                - name: MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING
                  value: your_connection_string
                - name: S3_OR_MINIO_ENDPOINT
                  value: your_s3_or_minio_endpoint
                - name: STORAGE_PATH
                  value: your_storage_path
                - name: DUMP_PREFIX
                  value: your_prefix # Optional
                - name: MONGO_USERNAME
                  value: your_username # Optional
                - name: MONGO_PASSWORD
                  valueFrom: # Optional
                      name: mongodb-password-secret
                      key: password
                - name: MONGO_DATABASE
                  value: your_database # Optional
                - name: MONGO_COLLECTION
                  value: your_collection # Optional
                - name: MONGO_QUERY
                  value: your_query # Optional
                - name: ACCESS_KEY
                  value: your_access_key # Optional
                - name: SECRET_KEY
                  value: your_secret_key # Optional
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Apply this YAML file using kubectl apply -f filename.yaml.


MIT License


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests. Contributions are welcome!